There's no bad in the good.

15 1 2

Tried of moping around
Wishing something could
Hold me down
On this ground.

Whole body's shaking,
Smiling and crying
And feeling like breaking
All over again.

Time is so timeless
Night is just darkness.

In a perfect world,
Where everything is right,
It is me who still feels wrong.

Flowers are fake,
Hearts will break,
Nature is gone.
Hope? There's none.

Love is just greed
And greed is just lust.

In a perfect world
Every good thing will happen.
People will still be people.
Love will still be love.

Feeling alive
And whole world's shaking this time.
I will fight
Without a fright.

I hope to stay alive
Passing the year,
I've never imagined to.
Serendipity comes
When the words are on the rim.

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