CHAPTER 16: Forbidden Love

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"Come now, Chiho," Rias urged as she took a sip of her tea. "We went over this."

It was the final day of their training camp and after a hard day's training, the crimson-haired girl had given her peerage the rest of the night off to rest.

She and her servants were currently seated around the sitting room with the three fallen angels while Issei's servants took care of dinner. Issei himself had been bound and gagged inside the dining room. It was probably for the best.

In the meantime, Rias had decided to utilize the remaining time they had to teach Chiho and Asia the basic knowledge they needed in the Underworld.

"The main governing body of the fallen angels is called the Grigori," Calawarner told her. "Can you name any of its leaders?"

"Er, well… I can only remember two of them completely," the brown-haired girl muttered. "There's Azazel, the Governor-General and Shemhazai, the Vice Governor-General. There are others… Armaros… Baraquiel… Tamiel… B-Bene-something and… cocaine?"

"Penemue, Kokabiel and Shariel," the blue-haired fallen angel corrected her. "Please memorize them properly. This is basic stuff. It's the same as knowing the prime minister and vice-prime minister of Japan as well as the leaders of the surrounding countries."

"There's too many!" Chiho exclaimed with a huff. "Two is enough! What do those other leaders do, anyway?!"

"Well, Armaros-sama is the head researcher of anti-magic," Yuuma began listing them off. "Sahariel-sama is the head researcher of the moon and its effects on the supernatural. Penemue-sama is the chief secretary-"

"Okay, never mind," the brunette said quickly, prompting the fallen angel to smirk at her.

"Moving on," Rias said. "Can you name the leaders of Hell; past and present?"

"Eto… I know the current ones," Chiho offered. "Serafall Leviathan-sama, Falbium Asmodeus-sama, Ajuka Beelzebub-sama and Sirzechs Lucifer-sama."

"Good," the crimson-haired girl smiled. "Now can you name our original leaders?"

"Ah…" the brunette chuckled nervously. "Kind of? I know the original versions of the ones I just listed… There's also Belphegor… M-Mammy? …and… er…"

"Satan-sama," Rias sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "If you're going to remember anything; please remember that. Not knowing his name or getting it wrong like you did with Mammon-sama will quickly earn you the ire of most devils; especially the elders who knew him in life."

"Even after all this time, you devils still revere him like that?" Mittelt questioned, earning herself an alarmed glance from her fellow fallen angels. The blonde merely grinned at them cheekily.

"Yes, we do," the crimson-haired girl nodded. "In fact, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that he is our God."

"You'd go that far?" Calawarner asked, shocked. "I realize he was your king, but…"

"He was far more than a simple king," Rias said sharply. "He was the progenitor of our entire race. He created the maou and the 72 Pillars; gifting them with the blood of The Devil."

"It is said that he bestowed each of the Pillars with one of his own abilities," Kiba added his own knowledge. "Abilities such as the Bael's Power of Destruction and the Phenex's regeneration. These abilities are cherished by the devils and are seen as a sign of his favor."

"Unfortunately, this is also why there is so much elitism among the Pillars," Rias continued. "We're called 'pure-blooded' because we gained our devilhood from Satan-sama himself, whereas other devils were created by proxy of the other maou or were reincarnated from other races."

Devil among Devils By King of Plot Bunnies DxD (COPY)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon