CHAPTER 14: New Students

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Ashiya took a deep breath, adrenaline pumping throughout his body as he finally prepared to face what he'd been trying to ignore ever since Calawarner first moved in.

He felt a small surge of electricity flow through him and his mind grew muddied at the mere thought of the gorgeous woman. He'd tried being subtle about it, but the woman just didn't seem to notice his feelings. The white-haired man licked his lips in anticipation and steeled his nerves.

It was time!

He quickly grabbed his trusty sponge and began furiously scrubbing the accursed stain. Honestly, how did she not notice it?! It was her favorite jacket and yet she walked around with an enormous stain on it! No one else seemed to notice it either! Was he the only sane person in this apartment?!

Either way, the wretched thing had plagued him long enough and it was high time he dealt with it. Ashiya gripped the sponge until his knuckles were white, furiously doing his best to erase the smear that had tarnished the blue-haired angel's garment.

Slowly, but surely, he could see the stain growing lighter and lighter with each successive sweep of his arm until the original violet color was finally unmarred.

"You put up a good fight," the white-haired man spat before cackling evilly. "But there was never any chance I was going to allow you to survive."

"There's something wrong with you," Chachazero remarked from her position on the kitchen counter. "Freak."

Ashiya ignored her, instead moving towards the window to hang the jacket outside on an overhanging clothesline. After making sure the garment was secure, he turned to its owner.

"It should be dry by the time school ends," he told her. Calawarner nodded at him in gratitude.

"Thanks," she said. "Sorry you had to do it, though."

"It's of no consequence," Ashiya nodded. "I've been doing such for centuries now. Though I hate to insult him, even I have to admit that Issei-sama is completely hopeless at any kind of housework."

"Speaking of our resident Maou," Mittelt spoke up. "Where is he, anyway?"

The three fallen angels had recently moved into a neighboring room with Asia volunteering to stay with them as well; though they still spent much of their time in Issei's room with everyone else.

"Emi and friends showed up early this morning, banging on the door and causing a general ruckus," Suzuki explained lazily. "Eventually she ended up dragging him out the door. Haven't seen them since."

"And you didn't do anything?" Yuuma asked, raising an eyebrow.

"It was five in the morning," Tamamo huffed defensively.

"Besides," Mordred shrugged. "I'm sure he's fine."


"Would you put that damn knife away?!" Issei growled as he reluctantly led Emi and her group through the school corridors. "Why are we here anyway?"

"If we want to get into the academy we need you to introduce us to the dean," Emi replied as she stowed her hundred-yen-weapon inside her pocket.

"And why can't you just hypnotize him?" he demanded. The redhead sent him a glare.

"You're asking me to lie and cheat my way in?" she retorted. "Have you forgotten who I am?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Issei waved her off.

"This establishment is quite impressive," Suzuno remarked as she admired the immaculate school grounds.

"Yes, tuition is quite expensive," he said absentmindedly. The school was silent. The only students here were in the various athletic clubs and they were all out on the grounds practicing.

Devil among Devils By King of Plot Bunnies DxD (COPY)Where stories live. Discover now