Character Story Form Past:

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Morgiana – (Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic) – Born somewhere within the vast Persian Empire to a tribe of renown hunter-warriors called the Fanalis, the tribe was well known for their bright red hair and eyes as well as their incredible physical strength. Morgiana was captured by slave traders at a young age and sold as the slave of a young lord named Jamil. This boy was known to be sadistic and mistreated his slaves on a daily basis. One day, Morgiana attempted to escape from her cruel master, but was quickly captured once again. Fortune seemed to shine upon her, however, as this incident was seen by the former King of Demons, who would later go by the name Hyoudou Issei. The Demon King purchased her freedom and promised to care for her until she could care for herself. As they traveled together throughout the Middle East, Issei trained her to utilize the great strength she'd been born with in order to protect herself.

Eventually, it came the time that she was old enough to care for herself. By this time, however, they'd simply grown too close to part ways, and so Issei asked the girl if she'd like to stay together as a family. She'd agreed, as she had long since forgotten where her true family was, and he was the closest thing she had.

On that day, Issei reincarnated her into a devil and the two have remained together since. However, it seems that Morgiana has long since stopped seeing her master in a familial sense, but… something more.

Devil among Devils By King of Plot Bunnies DxD (COPY)Where stories live. Discover now