CHAPTER 18: Flowering Night

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Some years ago…

Issei carefully observed his student as the crimson-haired boy lazily moved his Knight across the board. Behind them, a fire danced in the fireplace, illuminating the room with its glow.

"Tell me, boy," he began, gesturing towards the chess board before them. "Among these pieces, which is the most important?"

"The King, of course," the young, red-haired man replied with ease.

"Why do you say that?"

"Once you have lost your King, you have lost the match."

"And the Queen?"

"What about the Queen?"

"The Queen can move horizontally, vertically, and diagonally—as many spaces as she wants; the Queen is the most powerful piece on the board."

"But when you've lost your Queen, you are still in the game," Sirzechs retorted. After a moment, he added, "Like you and I, really."

Issei raised his eyebrows with interest. "Go on."

"My family's status gives me great power and flexibility on the board, whereas you - who cannot interfere - have next to none. Yet... if you were to fall, all would be lost." He emphasized this by capturing his teacher's Rook; moving his Queen into a vulnerable spot in the process.

"Are you saying that your loss will not affect the outcome?" Issei asked as he captured Sirzech's Queen with his Bishop.

"You have less power without the Queen," the redhead nodded, quickly avenging his fallen piece. "But as I said before - you are still in the game."

"Interesting," the former Demon King chuckled. "How very interesting."

"And what are your thoughts, Sensei?" Sirzechs drawled, withholding a smirk. "Which is the most important piece?" At that moment, however, Sirzechs caught his mistake as Issei moved his Pawn into checkmate.

"Every piece is equally important," he replied.



Grayfia could only stare at the two men in mute shock as they began exchanging pleasantries.

"It's only been about fifty years, give or take? Issei questioned with a shrug.

"I believe the last time we were all together was at the end of the human war," Ashiya remarked. "London, I believe?"

"Correct," Tamamo smiled, reaching up on the tips of her toes to ruffle the redhead's hair playfully. "Good to see you again, Zechs-chan!"

Sirzechs chuckled briefly, a positively radiant smile on his face. "Tamamo," He nodded. "Morgiana, Suzuki, Mordred. Ashiya-sensei. It's good to see you all."

"Brat." Mordred smirked. Morgiana smiled at the man warmly, while the black-haired ninja merely nodded at him.

"Wait a moment," Grayfia said abruptly. "Maou-sama, who are these people?"

Sirzechs chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Grayfia, I'd like you to meet my sensei," he said. "He has been my mentor since I was just a boy. He goes by many names, but you know him best as our King."

"Our… King…?" Grayfia repeated. Slowly, her eyes began to widen as she turned to the brown-haired boy in shock. "You can't possibly mean…"

The silver-haired maid went silent as her husband leaned forward, dipping his head towards the supposedly younger man in a very formal bow.

Devil among Devils By King of Plot Bunnies DxD (COPY)Where stories live. Discover now