CHAPTER 13: Friendly Réunion

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A/N: Hey guys.. and girls, I just made a new Story book call {Music of Cinnamon Roll} it's my first time I write myself.. Well to tell you the truth I don't know much about English stuff but I will trying my best and hope you guys/girls enjoy reading.

So please what you think about the New story I made.

He had been correct in assuming that the night would be very uncomfortable. With their numbers suddenly doubled in a single night, they hadn't had enough futons for everyone. This left them to either share or sleep on the floor.

Tamamo had given hers to the fallen angels and immediately volunteered to share with him, which was rejected as Emi demanded he relinquish his futon to her. He'd agreed, of course, as he didn't look forward to being killed as he slept.

People die if they are killed, after all.

This had forced the fox-girl to share with an irritated Mordred, as Morgiana had volunteered to share with Suzuki. Ashiya had likewise been kicked out of his futon by Suzuno, who shared with Saber.

Thankfully for Issei, Tamamo insisted that he not sleep on the floor and so he spent the night snuggled in between the fox and the blonde knight.

Ashiya, however, had been banished to sleep in the bathtub.

Issei had also been correct in assuming the night would be long, as he spent the majority of it trading barbs with an irate Emi. Their whispered arguments had kept the others awake, leaving all of them in a rather bad mood. Except Suzuno. But considering how loudly she snored, Issei figured she could sleep through an earthquake, thunderstorm and fire. Simultaneously.

But then, as though rewarding them for enduring such intense hardship, the Holy Grail appeared before them.

Or rather, a pot of udon had.

It seems that Suzuno had brought an entire rucksack of the glorious stuff with her. Issei wasn't sure why, but he wasn't going to complain. Tamamo had spent ten minutes thanking whatever deity would listen. Not even the burning headache she received for her trouble was able to extinguish her exuberance.

Issei himself had been tempted to kiss the kimono-clad woman, but refrained, as he didn't wish to be mauled by nearly every female in the room. But he doubted even that could ruin his good mood today.

"Honestly, how can the King of Demons act so undignified by being offered cheap noodles?" Emi sniffed.

His eye twitched. If there was one thing that could, however, it was her. He was about to retort when a knock on the door drew his attention. Sighing slightly, he rose from his seat and answered it.

"H-Hello, Issei-san!" Asia squeaked as she bowed from the other side. The brown-haired boy blinked for several moments before face palming.

He'd forgotten that Asia would be staying here as well. It seems that Ashiya would be sleeping in the bathtub for a while longer. Issei made a mental note to try being nicer to the poor man. The things he had to go through... Ashiya truly was his most loyal servant!

"Issei-kun, are you okay?" Rias, who was sporting a red tracksuit, questioned. Issei wiped the tears from his face and nodded.

"Yeah," he sniffed. He looked behind them and saw an exhausted Chiho teetering precariously on her feet wearing a pink tracksuit. "Would you like to come in? We're about to have breakfast."

Rias winced. "Uh..."

"It's not cucumbers," Issei assured her. This seemed to do the trick as she smiled.

"Very well then, thank you," she nodded as the three girls took their shoes off. "And what will we be having?"

"A friend of ours brought some udon," he replied. Rias raised an eyebrow.

Devil among Devils By King of Plot Bunnies DxD (COPY)Where stories live. Discover now