CHAPTER 4: Fallen Angel & Knight

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"Please go out with me!" a black-haired girl cried out, bowing low as she awaited his reply.

The girl in question was wearing a different uniform from his own. It consisted of a red jacket with the letter 'P' embroidered upon her breast pocket, a white undershirt with a red bow and a green skirt. Her dainty hands cradled her handbag as her violet eyes looked up at him nervously.

'Well, this is unexpected,' Issei thought, resisting the urge to heave a world weary sigh

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'Well, this is unexpected,' Issei thought, resisting the urge to heave a world weary sigh. The girl was a fallen angel, he could tell that much. But what did she want from him?

"I'm sorry, but who are you?"

The girl seemed to flush in embarrassment. "S-Sorry," she stuttered. "My name is Amano Yuuma. It's just… I've watched you walking by a few times already, but I've only just managed to gather the courage to ask you out. You're not… seeing anyone, are you?"

"Well… no," he said cautiously. 'Well, her story technically checks out.'

He had noticed her watching him walk home from school and at work. However, he was certain that he'd kept his aura hidden at all times; the time with Rias and her peerage a few days ago being the sole exception.

But, he'd made sure to cover his tracks on that occasion as well. He was somewhat glad that Chachazero was still somewhat upset with him and was currently at home. Most likely tormenting Ashiya.

"That's great!" The girl's face lit up. "So… will you?"

'Well, let's take a look at the pros and cons,' he mused.

Pros: He would be spending time with an attractive, hell, gorgeous girl. He'd always had a thing for angel girls; fallen or otherwise. In fact, his past relationship with a certain archangel could be considered the stuff of legend.

He could also use this to discover the fallen angels' motives here in the city and why they were watching him in particular.

There were also the girl's own feelings to consider. It was hardly uncommon for a fallen angel to become infatuated with a human. In fact, having explicit relations with humans was the most common reason that angels fell. Neither was it unheard of (though still rare) for a fallen angel and a devil to be intimate. In fact, Azazel had informed him some time ago that Shemhazai married a devil woman. The eccentric Governor General had expressed his hope that it would lead to further peace between the factions…

But he was digressing.

Cons: He knew for a fact that several females would give him sheer hell for getting a girlfriend. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, after all. And knowing a certain fox's skills with maleficium, he held no doubt that she would exact terrible vengeance on him.

There was also a high likelihood that this was all just a ploy of some kind, one that would no doubt end unpleasantly for both of them.

As he watched her fidget, Issei realized that he'd been staring at her with a severe expression for several minutes now. He was about to answer when he suddenly remembered something Azazel had brought up during their last meeting.

Devil among Devils By King of Plot Bunnies DxD (COPY)Where stories live. Discover now