Chapter 3️⃣1️⃣

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(Third Person POV)

They both walked towards the diner, Taehyung was having a hard time controlling his laughter and this caused Jungkook to get annoyed, he stormed off without Taehyung.

“Yah Jungkook!” Taehyung ran after the obviously pissed off boy.

“Now what happened between you two?” Jin, who was cleaning a table, questioned them when the duo entered the diner, one looking pissed and the other guilty.

“Nothing hyung.” Jungkook huffed as he plopped down on a nearby chair and avoided Taehyung.

“Don't tell me you guys had another lovers' quarrel...” Yoongi said while coming out of the staff room.

“Hyung!” Jungkook blushed when he remembered that his hyung was hell bent on getting him together with Taehyung.

“Why are you two here together?” Jin questioned.

“Did you guys sleep together again?” at this accusation of Yoongi even Taehyung's face started heating up. Both of them were unintentionally reminded of the accidental kiss they had shared just some mere minutes ago.

“Look at them blushing.” Jin chuckled, “You two act really suspicious.”

“What? We are j-just friends...” Taehyung awkwardly said, completely ignoring his hyungs' interrogative gazes.

“Oh guys are here to eat I suppose?” Yoongi asked and the youngest two nodded their heads in reply, “Wait a bit... I'll go bring something.”

After Yoongi disappeared inside the staff room again and Jin went back to cleaning the tables, Taehyung looked looked down at Jungkook, “Make some space.”

“What?!” startled, Jungkook asked.

“Move aside so I can sit down too.”

After a minute of staring at each other Jungkook pointed at the chair opposite of his, “You can sit there...why do you have to sit beside me?”

Feeling rather stupid, Taehyung sat down on the chair and decided to change the topic, “Should I tell Jimin to come here? We need our bags back too...”

“Yup tell them to come here after school. We can help with the diner till then. By the way...did you inform Mrs Kim?”

“Yeah...I did last night. Although I only said that I'll be sleeping with y-” Taehyung stopped as the sentence sounded pretty wrong to him, “I mean that I'll staying the night at your house.”

Even if Jungkook noticed the little slip of tongue he didn't react to it and just ‘hmm'-ed in reply. None of them noticed that Jin was paying very close attention to their conversation.

“Here's your meal kiddos!”

They finished their lunch and just as they had planned, helped with the diner afterwards. Needless to say both of them were way too busy to notice the weird looks that Jin and Yoongi were giving them.


“It's almost 5...where are they?” Taehyung questioned, he was sitting on a chair as it was their break time.

“How would I know?” came Jungkook's irritated reply, his hands were hurting because of wiping too many tables, “Didn't know I bore you so much.”

“Where did that come from?” Taehyung snapped, he was feeling quite dizzy because the diner was filled with people, which meant more work for the both of them.

“Hey hey what's going on here?” Jin literally appeared out of nowhere and stood between the duo, who were almost ready to fight.

“I'm starting to bore him what else.”

”Yah Jungkook! When did I say that?” Taehyung protested while trying to push Jin aside.

“Yah Yoongi! I can't handle this two alone!” Jin shouted for help.

“What happened?” Yoongi quickly rushed out of the staff room. “Why does it look like you are going to kill eachother?”

“Jungkook said I'm bored of him!”

“You just asked when they will be here?!”

“So what's wrong with that?”

“Shut up!”

The youngest duo fell silent at this, Jin's face was turning red in anger. “Yah Jungkook come with me. Jin hyung you deal with Taehyung.” with that Yoongi grabbed Jungkook's hand and dragged him out of the diner, stopping only when they reached the playground.

Inside the diner, Jin made Taehyung sit down again and sat down on a chair himself.

Both hyungs asked them the same question, “Do you like him?”

Both of their reactions were similar too, “What?!”

As if planned both the conversations developed in the exact same manner with the exact same words, “Do you?”

“I- I don't doesn't really matter because he only sees me as a friend...”

“So you do like him...”

“Doesn't matter though... and I don't want anything to happen to our friendship because of my confusing feelings...” both of them sounded sad and it hurted the hyungs to see this.

“Kiss him.”


“You heard me.”

“Well...” they both paused, remembering the kiss they had shared and whether they should reveal this secret or not.

“What? Did you guys already kiss?”

“It was an accident!” they both covered their mouths with their hands when they realized what they had said.

Actually A Bunny (!!!Taekook!!!) (!Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now