Chapter 3️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

"That will be it for today. I hope you guys finish your project soon."as soon as Mr. Choi left the class both Jimin and Hoseok turned towards me, an apologetic look on their faces.

"I was sorry for breaking your earphone...but now I feel even worse..." Hoseok said.

"I completely forgot about the you have to work with him...oh Tae I'm so sorry..." this time it was Jimin who looked guilty.

"What are you guys going on about? I just have to complete a project with this Jungkook guy... how hard can it be?" I was confused.

"He's just not some guy though..." Jimin air quoted 'sone guy'.

I opened my mouth to farther question the two but right then the next teacher entered and we didn't get to talk about that 'some guy' until lunch time.


"So what were you two saying?" I asked as I walked over to Jimin and Hoseok, who already had their plates ready, with my plate filled with the usual food that you get in schools.

"Jungkook or better known as JK is that guy your Mom warned you about." Hoseok explained.

"My Mom didn't warn me about any guys though..." I said, feeling as if I was lacking some crucial knowledge.

"Don't exaggerate it you are scaring him...Tae..." Jimin turned towards me with a comforting look on his face, " Jungkook well he doesn't really talk to anyone, has that mysterious aura. There are horrible rumours going on about him in this school."

Right....that did such a good job of not scaring me... I couldn't help but think. Not knowing what to do I just nodded my head and sat down on the table that they chose.

Jimin nudged my side as I was about to feed myself the spoonful of rice my stomach was desperately asking for. I stopped midway, turning my head to look at Jimin, "You see there in that corner?" he whispered. I turned my head around to look at what he was pointing, the spoon was still in my hand. There a black haired guy, Jungkook I realized later, was sitting all on his own with his plate in front of him, he hadn't taken a bite, I noticed.

"That's Jungkook." Jimin continued whispering and went back to eating his lunch and chatting with Hoseok about a new dance move that the latter had created. Leaving me to stare at Jungkook on my own. As if sensing he was being started, Jungkook whipped his head towards our table making me jump in surprise. The spoon in my hand didn't like the sudden movement at all as all the rice fell down on my lap.

Groaning, I cleaned the rice and almost automatically looked at where Jungkook was sitting, expect the said person wasn't there anymore. Confused, I furrowed my brows as I searched the canteen for any sign of the black haired boy.


The school bell rang, indicating that lunch time was over. I sighed sadly as I looked down at my still full plate, hoping that I'd make it through the day on an empty stomach.

Dumping the food in the trash can ( A/N- don't waste food Y'ALL) I followed Jimin and Hoseok to our class room.

The rest of the three classes went smoothly, ignoring the occasional loud dying sounds my stomach made, and school for that day was finally over. I gathered up all my books, ready to put them back in my bag, when someone stood beside the table in front of us, that is beside Hoseok's table.

I looked up, it was Namjoon, the class genius, "Hobi...The usual place today, okay? The time is same." he said.

Hoseok nodded his head in reply and went back to packing his bag. Namjoon turned towards me, "You are Taehyung, right? I really feel so sorry for you... you have work with him."

By the tone of his voice I understood that he was talking about Jungkook, I chose not to reply when I noticed Jungkook getting up from his table from the corner of my eye.

What I didn't expect was that he'd come and stand right in front of me, "Here's my number." he said as he handed me a folded piece of paper.

I looked down at the paper, unfolding it to reveal a number written in neat handwriting. Before I could say anything to him though, he was already gone.


Aye aye! 🤣

Actually A Bunny (!!!Taekook!!!) (!Completed!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora