Chapter 1️⃣8️⃣

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(Third Person POV)

“So...?” Yoongi drawled, getting rather impatient.

“Well...umm...” Jimin started shuttering.

“Speak up Pinky.” Yoongi mockingly said making the younger pout.

“Stop calling me Pinky okay?!” he shouted, quite irritated as the older had been calling him by that annoying nickname since he came here with Hoseok and Namjoon.

“Useless... Namjoon?” Yoongi ignored Jimin and asked Namjoon.

“Well... Jungkook...” he sighed, “He is just sort of an outsider you know? Never talks to anyone, ignores those who try to talk to him. And he skips school so much! There are even rumours going around about he's in a gang or something. Everyone just ignores him now and it doesn't look like as if he minds!” he blurted out, taking a deep breath once he was done.

His explanation got two reactions. One was of approval from Jimin and Hoseok and the other was of disbelief from Jin and Yoongi. Everything went quiet for some time as the oldest two digested this peculiar information about their beloved dongsaeng.

“What?” Jin finally recovered.

“He-” this time Hoseok mustered up some courage to speak but Yoongi's cold voice cut him off.

“That's stupid of you all!” his ears were going red in anger, “Jungkook he- In a fucking gang?! Are you fucking kidding me??”

His outburst caused everyone to flinch and Jin made a protesting notice against his cursing but all went to deaf ear as Yoongi continued, “Do you even know about Jungkook?!”

”Yoongi calm down...they don't kno-”


“We just have to explain then!” Jin was losing his cool too.

“THEN DO NA! I CAN'T WITH THESE GUYS ANYMORE!” with that he stormed off inside the staff's room, shutting the door violently.

After taking a deep breath to calm his nerves down, Jin turned towards the three, “So Jungkook...” he sighed, as if remembering the past was hurting him, “His Mom and Dad got a divorce when he was about 3 or 4 years old. His Mom just distanced herself from Jungkook when he turned 10 and well since then he's been doing part time jobs to pay for school and everything...he even worked here for a while. His teachers know of course but Jungkook requested them to keep quiet. So yeah...” Jin finished telling them about Jungkook's past. The reaction that he got was rather comical as the listeners all had their mouth wide open.

“But he- why does he have bruises sometimes?” Jimin asked.

“That's because the manager of the store he currently works in is an asshole and he has some weird thing going on against Jungkook.” Jin's face darkened while talking about that man.

“So that means that he didn't get those bruises from a gang fight?” Namjoon questioned.

“I thought you were supposed to be smart...” Jin's reply made the younger blush in embarrassment.

“But why does he always act so tough?!” Hoseok asked the question that all three of them were wondering about.

Unknown to them, this said ‘tough’ guy was having trouble controlling his tears while he desperately tried to run away from his past.


(Tae's POV)

Why did I decide to run after him again? I was mentally cursing myself as I ran, trying to look for Jungkook. Where did he go though? Damn that kid runs fast...

I stopped in front of the playground, trying to catch my breath. That's when I noticed a lone figure sitting on one of the benches in the playground.
I hope that's him... Praying, I slowly approached the guy and fortunately for my lungs, it was Jungkook. I released a sigh of relief at that and silently sat down beside him. He had his head hung low with both his hands covering his face.

We sat there like that for some time and none of us said anything, I wasn't even sure whether he knew that I was sitting beside him. That is until he finally spoke up.

“Why is my Mom so clueless...?”

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