Chapter 2️⃣1️⃣

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(JK's POV)

I released my breath after Taehyung left with the trio. I got up to go to the canteen, why I went there was something that I didn't know, I sat down on the usual table. I was too embarrassed to look at Taehyung, first he had caught me crying and then he had called me a bunny. Instinctively my fingers touched my front teeth, I knew they were big, all the rude kids made sure I did.

“Hey Jeon.” a female voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked up at the girl, she was from my class, and her friends, who were standing behind her like a barricade.


“Stop sounding so innocent you retard!” she slammed her hand on the table surface, successfully gaining attention from everyone present in the room.

“What are you talking about?” I calmly said, wondering why she was talking to me, no one has bothered to do that for years now.

“You think you can just take him like that?” her face was all twisted as she said this, I still had no idea what she was talking about.

Before I could say anything she slammed her hand on the table again, her face came closer to mine, a wicked look on her face, “You-”

“What are you girls doing here?”

All our heads turned towards the voice, Namjoon. I looked behind him to see that Taehyung was there he has seen me being bullied too...

“I-I nothing...we were just talking...” she stammered out the reply, her friends had already left her side.

“That didn't look friendly at all.” Hoseok eyed her with such hatred that I had never seen on the boy's face.

“I-... Oh Taehyung! I- I'll just go...” she literary ran away, bumping into Taehyung on her way.

“You okay?” Jimin asked gently.

“I- yeah. I'm okay.”

“What were they doing?” Hoseok questioned as the three of them sat down on the table.

“I don't know...” it was hard to hide the surprised expression from my face. I quickly stole a glance of Taehyung, he was still standing at the same spot.

“Hmm....I think I know. Taehyung...why are you standing there?” Jimin said breaking the tall boy's thoughts, he hesitantly took a seat beside me. “That girl... you remember her Tae?” Taehyung shaked his head no, “She's the one who said you have a cute smile on the first day.” suddenly everything became as clear as water... but what does that has anything to do with me?

“Ahhh so you are saying she likes Tae?” Namjoon questioned.

I felt Taehyung going stiff beside me. “That's not a surprise... It's Taehyung we are talking about...” as soon as the words left my mouth regret hit me like a truck and I felt my cheeks becoming warm.

“Well that's true.” Hoseok laughed it off, “Should we eat now? Lunchtime will be over soon.” the other boys agreed with him but suddenly Taehyung stood up, grabbed my hand and walked out of the canteen before I could even realize anything.


(Tae's POV)

I didn't stop till I reached the old classroom and shoved Jungkook inside, “Why did you leave like that?” I never intended to sound angry but I probably did.

“I- you said I have bunny teeth...”

“So what?”

“I don't like these teeth... Others always make fun of them...”

“Well I like them!”

“So what?”

“Nothing! I- what are we doing?”

“How would I know?”

Just like that we both broke out into laughter. At that moment the bell rang, “No lunch I guess?”

“Yeah...but I'm hungry...” as if to prove my point my stomach grumbled loudly making Jungkook chuckle.

“Who told you to drag me here?”

With a teasing Jungkook on my track we entered the classroom, everyone went quiet instantly and whispers could be heard as we sat down on Jungkook's table. I looked at Jimin and he smiled brightly at me giving me an encouraging nod. That was all I cared about.

Actually A Bunny (!!!Taekook!!!) (!Completed!)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum