Chapter 4️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

“Why didn't Hobi come with us?” I asked Jimin on our way back to home, the piece of paper that Jungkook gave me was still inside my fist.

“Hmm...I don't know actually... Occasionally he just goes somewhere with Namjoon...” Jimin sounded kind of irritated as he replied. Well must be disappointed that his best friend didn't tell him where he goes... I nodded my head understandingly at this realization.

Silence sorrounded us as we kept walking, judging by Jimin's mood I thought it'd be better to leave him alone.

As I had expected Jimin left without saying goodbye, a drastic change from what had happened yesterday. I tried not to let that effect me and walked towards my house.

“I'm back.” I murmured, definitely not loud enough for someone to be able to hear and went straight to my room, crossing my parents room on my way. I smiled when I saw that the both of them were sleeping, hugging each other. That's why the house was eerily quiet... I fondly thought as my parents slept.

Once in my room, I threw my tired body on my black and green bed. The neat paper, with Jungkook's number, was completely ruined by now because of my sweat. I held the paper in front of me, eyeing the numbers with utmost interest, “Should I text him?” I pondered. Then Jungkook's rather emotionless face appeared in front of my eyes and I quickly decided against texting him

Instead I just saved his number in my phone, wasting 5 minutes thinking what I should save it as, -- ‘JK😎’

“When did you come back?” my Mom's sleepy figure appeared in front of my door, she was rubbing the excess sleep out of her eyes.

“15 minutes ago I think...?” I replied uncertainly. Gosh I have lost track of time....

Why  didn't you wake me up?”

“Oh maybe because for once Dad and you were sleeping peacefully together instead of bickering...?” I jokingly said.

“Yah son...!” my Dad appeared from behind Mom, sleepy as hell, “Your Mom and I don't always do you think you were born?”

I shuddered in disgust as my brain started imaging those scenes, “Could you please leave?” I desperately asked.

Even my Mom was bright red as she dragged Dad away, probably to make dinner.

I sighed, sprawling myself on my bed and stayed in the exact same position until Mom called me down for dinner.  I don't even remember how long that is... I muttered under my breath.



With a smile on my face, I went downstairs to eat dinner with my childish parents.


The next morning I woke up in a relatively good mood and left after eating breakfast and a quick goodbye to my parents.

On my way I saw Jimin coming towards me, an apologetic smile on his face, “I'm sorry about yesterday Tae...” he said, his head hung low.

“It's okay pabo-yah... I kind of understand what you might be feeling.” I replied in, what I hope, a comforting voice.

It seemed to work because Jimin's sulky mood disappeared and he linked his hand into mine and we literally walked towards our school with a bounce in our steps.

“So Tae did you text him?” Jimin suddenly asked when we were almost near our classroom.

It took me some time to understand whom he meant by him, then it clicked in,“ actually...I have only saved his number so far.” I smiled lamely.

“When are you going to discuss with him?”

“I plan on discussing today.” I easily lied.

“Yah Jimin! Tae!” at that moment Hoseok came running towards us from behind, holding both of us in a tight headlock.

Jimin removed his hand rather irritatedly making Hoseok frown,“ You are angry at me, right?”

Jimin ignored him and went straight to his seat, “Aren't you going to do anything about him?” I asked Hoseok.

“He'll be back in a bit... don't worry.” he shrugged in reply and also went to sit down.

I sighed and rather unintentionally my eyes went towards Jungkook's bench, it was empty.

“To your seats everyone!” our teacher for that day entered the class and I scurried towards my seat too.

But Jungkook didn't come to school for that day.

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