need a place to stay?

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at the moment, alex was pretty much homeless. two weeks ago, alex had came out to his parents. unfortunately, they didn't respond in the way he hoped. his mother looked down towards the floor, her eyebrows furrowed.
"no, alex. not my son." she spoke calmly, but her voice was cold as ice. "get out. now." alex was.. shocked, to say the least.

he didn't really expect this. his parents were always supportive in his choices, it didn't seem real. he pinched his wrist lightly, making sure he wasn't having a nightmare. and to his disappointment, he wasn't. to be honest, didn't have much at his parents, just clothes. grabbing as many clothes as he could, he frantically stuffed them into an old rucksack, leaving his parents house with a slam.

first of all, he pulled his phone out of his jacket pocket. who could he call? james? will? yeah, maybe will. he scrolled down his contacts to find will's name and rang.
"h-hello? will?" alex voice sounded scared and quiet.
"alex? you alright?" will sounded concerned from the other end of the phone.
"um. i-i've just been k-kicked out, dont have anywhere to stay, do y-you think i could stay for a few nights?"
"oh, mate, god.. that's bad. yeah you can stay; well i can come pick you up now?"
"yeah that'll be great, cheers mate,"

will already knew where alex lived, and twenty minutes later pulled up where the cold boy was standing. once alex got in the car, will looked over, concern showing in his facial expression.

"wanna tell me what happened?"
alex simply hummed in response, still looking down at his hands, his hair covering his eyes.
"i came out to my parents. they kicked me out. i have nowhere to go, at least, not anywhere permanent. i don't have enough money to rent an apartment," alex felt the tears brimming in his eyes, and he choked on the lump in his throat. the idea of being homeless scared him to the point of tears.

"oh god. alex, 'm so sorry mate. come here." will pulled alex towards him, pulling him in an embrace. they drove home, alex venting and will listening to his friend.

alex stayed with will for about a week, now he was staying with james. he didn't want to leech off of his friends, but at this point, he didn't have any other choice. but still, he felt guilty as fuck; he didn't want to be a burden on his friends. who was he kidding? he was such a burden.

it was a friday night, and james had invited fraser, will and george over for some drinks. at about 6pm, they had all arrived and were all drinking and talking about whatever random thing they were thinking of. fraser was talking to will and james, and george was talking to alex.

"so how comes you've been staying with james recently al?" george asked, as he didn't know alex had been kicked out
"oh uhh... parents kicked me out, i was staying with will but i didn't wanna be an inconvenience, y'know?" alex half-murmured, fiddling with his purple hoodie strings.
george paused, "oh.. i'm sorry.." he didn't really know what to say in these kind of situations.. he just... froze. until an idea popped into his head. "alex, if you want, you could move in with me, y'know, permanently.."

alex looked up with excitement in his eyes, his entire face was lit up with a smile.
"r-really?!" he was surprised at george's generous offer, but his expression soon became panicked "oh, um, no thank you, i mean, i really appreciate it, but i don't think i could ask you do that!" fidgeting with the ends of his hoodie sleeves.

"n-no honestly it's no problem, it's the least i can do!" george spurted our in a panic - he didn't want to make one of his best friends feel like he was an inconvenience!
"are you sure?" alex asked anxiously. this whole situation made him feel so guilty, but again, what could he do? but.. it didn't feel right for him to move in with george for free...

"yeah definitely mate, i have a spare room and it'll be nice to have some company around," george smiled genuinely, and alex rubbed his eye, and let out a nervous laugh.
"well, err, thank you so much george... wow," alex was just in complete surprise - this was all happening so quickly! god he was lucky to have such great friends. "this honestly means the world to me, i was so scared of becoming homeless, y'know?" alex anxiously laughed, rubbing the back of his neck.
"did you really think i'd let you become homeless? use your brain, dickhead," george joked, lightly smacking alex on the back of the head, making the smaller boy chuckle.

"well.. i'll text you at some point this week and we can get dates sorted out?"
"safe," george stood up to go get some cheap vodka for both of them. fraser was already drunk, falling over onto george as he walked back towards the sofa where they were sat.
"fuckin' hell fraser mate, chill out," fraser just laughed and walked back to will and james.

it was soon 2am, alex, george and james were talking in the living room, and fraser and will were dancing to lil pump in the kitchen. the others watched in amusement, and james recorded (probably for his instagram story).
"alright, everyone!" james voice bellowed out, grabbing 5 shot glasses. "3, 2, 1, shots!" james swallowed his fine, alex choked on his, and george tried to swallow but you could tell that it was burning his throat.

it was soon 3:30am, everyone was completely wrecked. alex was on frasers shoulders, fraser running around james's tiny apartment like a lunatic. soon enough, he ran through a doorway and the frame of the door hit alex across the face. in his drunken state, he didn't even realise he was bleeding, and just laughed it off.

when 4:45 rolled around, fraser was asleep on the kitchen countertop, will was on the floor, james was in his bed, alex was sprawled out in the hallway and for an unknown reason, george was passed out in the bath. they all awoke sooner or later than 2pm, all groaning, or holding the head in their hands and wishing they were dead. they individually got uber's home, and when george was about to leave, he murmured groggily,
"text me about when ur moving in yeah?"
"yeah ok mate, bye,"
"see ya,"
and with that, alex shut the door behind him, trotting his way back to bed.

A/N: ahhhh this is lowkey so bad but!! oh well, hope you enjoyed

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