Free Bird

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Alright, here we go.

Pick me up,
push me down.

Give me your all,
not your sorrow,
because I've been lifted,
people telling me I'm gifted,
but now, I'm different.

I buy it all,
see those shoes get'm,
that coatpig skin?

Get it.

Maybe these tickets will uplift my spirits, no.

Don't give me no more kisses fuck all that kid shit.

I just wanna be left alone.

Don't be hitting up my phone,
telling me that it's all too late and you want to go home,
because it's over now,

I'm ready for the storm.

March together one,
and four.

Get it together.

Hit the floor.

We are forever,
and close that door.

Dream bigger and better.

You are more than this storm.

Fuck you mirror, and all your imperfections.

I've fought to hard,
for you to fuck my expectations.

I am myself, and I am stuck in this pig skin,

I want too be better but I'm frozen at my reflection.

I dream big but my future is still under construction.

So I'll wait a little longer for my instruction before I start this destruction.

Because as the past might be strong,
I'm ready for the demolition.

Cross my fingers and hope to die,
that this pain goes away and I can fly,
far from my nest and all of home,
for I am a free bird and I'm ready to roam.

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