Step Too Far

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"I'm coming!" I yell to Niall after him knocking on my hotel room door five times. Jeez, he is impatient!

I take one last look in the mirror at my long curled hair, smokey eyed make up and my short black dress which I bought recently for tonight.

Tonight is the boys night off in New York so they decided to all go to a new club which recently opened in town.

They invited all their girlfriends which means I have to go along too incase of any paps. It kind of makes me feel unwanted since I only have to go for the publicity but at least I get to spend time with my five idols.

Well, four now, Niall is completely not the guy I thought he was.

I open the door to find Niall leaning against the wall as he always does while waiting on me.

My eyes are glued on him. He's wearing dark black jeans with a white yet casual shirt, a blazer jacket with white supras and his hair is up in its usual thick, messy, blonde quiff. Although I hate him, he's making it extremely hard for me looking this good. I can smell his strong cologne from just standing opposite him and his piercing blue eyes make me weak at the knees.

Damn it Hayley your supposed to hate him, why do you have to be such a fangirl!

I snap out of my trance and notice his jaw is slightly dropped as his eyes are on me.

I cough awkwardly, causing him to snap out of gaze for a second before his eyes wonder back to mine.

"It's not polite to stare" I say and I can feel him tense.

"It's not polite like that" he groans.

"Excuse me?"

"Don't you think your dress is a bit short? Don't you think it's a bad idea with all the creeps that go around these days? Do you have any idea what they could do to you?" he snaps.

"I don't see why you care" I mumble looking down at my dress which is definitely not too short. It's the normal length of any other short dress which comes just above the knees.

"I d-don't care I just...don't want people to think my girlfriend is a slut who wears her dresses too short!" he says defensively

"A slut? Really Niall?! can't you just give it a rest for one night?! I'm sick and tired of you judging me and I'm sick of always arguing with you! Why do you always give me such a hard time?!" I spit, a little hurt by his words.

"No I will not give it a rest!! Do you know how many perverts and maybe even rapists are gonna notice you in this dress?! Looking so.." He stops halfway as if he couldn't get the rest of his words out.

"Looking so what Niall? Looking so slutty or trashy? Well I'm sorry Niall but lots of girls wear dresses like this these days! There's nothing wrong with this dress, your just using any opportunity you can to be an absolute dick!" I shout turning to walk away from him.

"Don't walk away from me!" he shouts reaching to grab my shoulder.

Instead of my shoulder the force of him catches the strap on my dress and his strong grip causes it to rip off.

I stop in my tracks and look down at the torn strap which caused the top left side of the dress to fall until it reaches my chest, slightly revealing my black lace bra.

I turn to face him and the reality of what he just done hits him as his jaw drops.

He's completely ruined the dress and my cheeks flush red from embarrassment as Niall's jaw falls at the sight of the torn dress and my now showing lace bra.

I put my arm over the bra area and race back to the room opening the door.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" he starts before I cut him off.

"Save it Niall! Do you have any idea how much this dress cost me?! I tried so hard to look nice tonight, I bought this expensive dress and tried to do nice makeup perfectly and curl my hair just right, just so I wouldn't embarrass you but I guess now none of that matters since I'm going to have to change into an old dress that isn't as nice and all the money and effort I spent trying to look nice is just been a huge waste! I know you didn't like the dress but there was no need to rip it! That was a step too far! Thanks Niall, thanks for being such an idiot and ruining everything when all I wanted was to try and make an effort for you!" I cried before slamming the door in his face.

--- Niall's P.O.V ---

She slams the door shut in my face and I curse under my breath.

I lean back against the wall and slowly fall down till I'm sitting with my back against it.

I run my hands through my hair in frustration.

I really didn't mean to ruin her dress.

I just wanted her to stop running from me.

She always seems to be running from me.

I guess that's maybe cause I always chase her away with my mean, hurtful comments.

I don't mean any of them.

I don't know why I always come out with them.

I guess it's just easier than being nice to her.

I don't think she looked like a slut. Not one bit. I think she looked beautiful, I could barely keep my eyes off of her. I guess I was embarrassed when she noticed me staring at her, I just had to say something rude or hurtful to hide the fact that she had such a strong affect on me.

I'm such an idiot.

My head snaps up when I hear the door open.

She comes out not even bothering to look at me.

She looks the same just with a different black dress on. She still looks great, although I would never dare tell her.

"Sorry about the dress" I mumble getting up to feet.

"Let's just go, I don't want anymore arguments" she sighs walking to the elevator so we can meet the others in the lobby.

I have a bad feeling about tonight.

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