"..and I'm yours"

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It's been 3 weeks since Niall and I had that pizza night with James. Since then we've been on quite a few dates and all of them have gone really well. Every little thing he tells me about himself makes me feel like he's opening up to me even more, like he really is trying for us to get along, and I appreciate that a lot. More than he'll ever know.

This week the tour is in Australia. We've been here for a couple days already and the weather is amazing.

Right now, Niall and I are at a football game. Niall's been cheering and shouting for the whole game, occasionally making me laugh at how worked up he gets over a game of football, but now it's 2 minutes until the end of the game.

"Do you wanna drive by that new milkshake place once the games finished?" Niall asks.

"Sure, but is it okay if we stop by the bathrooms before we leave? I kind of need to pee.." I ask with a chuckle.

"Sure! Why don't you go now while it's the last minute of the game and I'll come by and wait for you as soon as it's finished?" Niall asks, knowing a football game wasn't exactly my first choice for this date.

"Okay sure, see you in 2 minutes!" I say before wandering off to find the bathrooms.

Once I've been to the bathroom I come out to the small corridor which is now extremely crowded.
I guess the games over..

I'm not too sure where I should stand to wait for Niall or whether I should go looking for him instead amongst the hustling crowd of football fans.

I decide to stay in the corridor as Niall already knows I'm here and is probably just held up looking for the bathrooms while trying not to get mobbed.

I look around the crowded hallway although the amount of people seems to keep on rising, making it even more crammed and difficult to see where Niall may be.

"Hayley!" I heard a familiar voice call although it's not the Irish one I was hoping for..

"Hayley!" I hear the voice call again.

That sounds like...


It can't be him..

Suddenly, I feel a firm grip take hold of my arm to spin me around.

I am then left facing him..


James' dad...


My heart drops at the sight of the boy who broke me and left me with nothing but a growing baby bump that I certainly hadn't planned or wished for at that time in my life.

Suddenly I feel nervous and scared, as I wish that Niall was with me to help me get away from this dick.

"well, well, well....wouldn't have thought I'd see you here." He mocks, making his same old friends laugh around him.

"Leave me alone" I spit.

"I think we should have a catch up, don't you? Maybe go to a party, give you a few too many vodkas again.." he mocks again, his words piercing painful memories through me from that night..

I try to walk away but his fiercely strong arm stops me again and this time his grip won't let go.

I feel sick and uncomfortable under his touch.

"..maybe this time you'll pop out twins" he says letting out a sick laugh along with his asshole friends that are just as bad as him.

I feel tears threatening to fall, but I use every strength in me to hold them back with my pride.

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