Epilogue - Mine

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(Nobody's P.O.V)

6 Years Later...

"Hayls, we're home!" Niall called as he closed the front door behind him, James running ahead of him towards the living room.

He and Louis had just been watching James, who is now 7 years old, playing at a football game with his new team.

Niall followed James into the living room to find him turning on the TV.

"Hey, no TV, you need to get a shower and changed before dinner!" Niall said to James as he flicked through channels.

"But Dad! Pleeaase just let me watch it for 5 minutes first?" James begged.

"Alright, 5 minutes while I go and see what your mum's up to!" Niall gave in before looking around the house for his wife.

"Hayley, babe, where are you?" Niall called at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm up here Ni!" he heard her call from upstairs.

He made his way up and found her standing in their bedroom.

"Hey babe" He greeted her, planting a gentle kiss on her lips.

"Hey, how was James' game?" She asked her voice sounding a little shaky.

"He played good yeah, the team won 2-1!" Niall smiled.

"That's great, I really wanted to come but I got held back at work and then by the time I got home I was getting ready to come but something sort of came up..." Hayley mumbled looking down at her thumbs, her voice still shaky.

"Babe, is everything okay?" Niall asked taking her hands in his, his eyebrows knotting together in concern.

"Yeah, I, I.....I just don't know how t-t-to tell you" Hayley stuttered, still looking down.

"Hayley, you know you can tell me anything" Niall said leading her to sit down on the edge of the bed.

She sat staring into his sea blue orbs for a few seconds, just pondering thoughts of how to say it.

"Niall.................I'm pregnant"

Niall's blue orbs lit up and in that split second he froze.

"Your pregnant?!" He whispered, his breaths slightly hitched.

Hayley nodded in response, her eyes searching for his thoughts.

A smile spread across his lips as he stood up running his hands through his hair.

"Oh my god!" He whispered, his smile growing even wider.

"Why were you so scared to tell me? This is amazing news!" Niall said sitting next to Hayley, his glowing eyes looking into hers.

"I don't know I just.....I suppose the last time I had to tell a guy this...I lost him and I lost everything else..I was scared that, maybe I'd lose you too.." She admitted, a light of fear in her eyes.

"Hayley, I would never do that to you. I married you because I love you, and when I promised to stick by you through whatever happens in our lives in our wedding vows, I meant it." he said, placing a hand on hers.
"I've already spent the past 6 six years raising James with you and it's honestly been one of the most challenging but amazing experiences of my life. I truly think of him as my own and the thought of getting to do it all over again with maybe even a girl this time genuinely makes me feel so happy like this is insane!!" Niall said, tears at the brim of his eyes as he kissed Hayley softly on the lips.

Hayley giggled at Niall tearing up and a smile finally appeared on her lips.

"I'm so glad that you want this" Hayley whispered while squeezing Niall's hand.

"I wouldn't want anything else." Niall smiled before gently pulling Hayley onto his lap.

"You know what Hayley, you are the best thing that's ever been mine." Niall said looking at the girl before him which he truly loved.

Yes, there were a few bumps in the road at the beginning, they met in a mess and once he almost lost her, but not a day since then he hasn't thought of her and fallen in love with her even more.

He finally found his princess.

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