Chapter Seven - Stuck In The Past

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I sat in the clouds, wings spread behind me. My hands had been holding a small ball of light. A smile grew on my face as I shapped it, making it perfect, before letting it float to the sky. I was creating the stars. Getting the galaxy ready for Gods creations. Although I didn't always understand it, everyone seemed to think I questioned things to much. I could hear someone fly up behind me. I turned to see Hastur. He and his friends always seemed to be causing trouble, but without them it seemed rather boring. He was checking up on how I was doing with the stars, then invited me to some party he was partaking in. Apparently lots of people were going, like Beelzebub. This wasn't my kind of thing but maybe it would be okay. Maybe I'd see a cute angel there. He left and I was approached by Michael. I got up and straightened my white robes, then brushed my wavy red hair from my big golden eyes. "Michael. Pleasure to see you. Gabriel not with you today?" A smile made it's wait to my face and I tilted my head a bit.

"Raphael. No. Gabriel is off with another angel I'm afraid. No need for him here. I am simply here to make sure you are completing your task and staying out of trouble. Some angels are going to be... Well. Falling. You won't be part of that, I'd hope. Our brother Lucifer has fallen, as you know. Many are wanting to follow him. Stay away." Then she had left. I huffed and rolled my eyes. Don't know why I needed a warning. Sure I questioned things, but I was still on God's side.

I flew to another part of heaven, but then I saw him, that beautiful blond angel. Aziraphale. As he flew around, my gaze was fixed on him. A smile was once again on my face, but a genuine smile. Actual happiness. Aziraphale and I were never super close. But I would like to be. He seemed so sweet and perfect. If I could, I'd spend hours watching him. Maybe even talk to him.

He started to turn towards me and I jumped, then quickly flew off towards where Hastur had told me to meet him for the party.

There were many angels there, all of them seemed to be more troublesome. Whatever. Not important. There were drinks there, odd. We didn't really need them. But I guess parties are like that. Never been to one so I don't know. I had some of the drinks. They were good. I had more. To many. Things began to blur together until...

I was falling.

Everything grew dark and screams came from my mouth. My arms went up trying to grab something. Trying to get back to heaven. To Aziraphale. Tears escaped my eyes and everything burned. I looked to my wings, trying to fly up. My eyes widdened as I saw the state of my wings.


My wings were burning and turning entire body hurt. There was a shooting pain in my eyes but I couldn't see what they looked like. Eventually the fall would end. I landed on the cold hard ground. Every part of me was in pain. The robes I was wearing were no longer pure and white. They were black. My wings were banged up and black.. My hair was a darker red. Everything here felt dirty and sinful. I am not supposed to be here. I don't want to be here. I belong in Heaven. I couldn't have fallen! Please.... No... I hung around bad angels and asked to many questions. I'm sorry! I didn't mean it...

Before long I was curled up on the ground sobbing, my wings covered me. I felt so alone here. I was not an angel.... I was a demon.
While in the form of a snake I wrapped my body around a tree. I had. Tempted Eve into taking the forbidden apple. As I calmly slithered around the tree, I looked the the gate of the garden, I see a familiar sight... In shock I turned back into my demonic form and fell out of the tree. As I hit the ground I quickly folded my wings in and hid behind the tree. My heart was pounding so hard. This humanly body felt incredibly weird.

I turned back into a snake and slithered up to the angel in white. Turning back into my other form I smiled at the angel.

"I see you're the angel they sent, hmm? I'm Crawley." Saying that name stung s bit. I greatly prefered Raphael... But... Well I couldn't use that now. Crawley seemed gross though. Maybe I will change it to something else. Crowley perhaps... Nah.

"Hello... You're... A demon? I'm Aziraphale." He smiled but I knew it wasn't real. He didn't trust me, and why would he? I'm a demon after all.

"Didn't you have a flaming sword? You did. It was flaming like anything. What happened to it? Lose it already have you?" A smile grew on my face as I joked with Aziraphale. I liked being around hum again. Even if I'd need to gain his trust now.

"I... Gave it away..."

"You what?"

"I gave it away!"

We continued to talk a bit. I tried smiling and joking but the angel just seemed uncomfortable. We watched as Adam and Eve went on their way, away from the garden. I looked up and it was starting to rain.

Aziraphale put his wing over me and I moved closer to him. There was nothing besides happiness in my right now.
Knights had rushed me to go see the white knight. Naturally I was the dark knight. I assumed Aziraphale would be the white knight and I was happy to see him again. But he didn't immediately take a liking to me.. A fair way to act. As he approched he recognized me. "Is that you in there Crawley?"

"It's Crowley. And yes. It is. You know we just cancel each other out like this. We could... Just not do our jobs. Just enjoy things. If you would liked that." Yeah... He didn't. He got worried over what his side would think. Blah blah blah. He wasn't interested. He left.
It was a bit disappointing.
The sound of glass hitting glass filled my ears. I glanced at the angel across from me. He was perfect. My eyes were fixed on his expressions. His smile. His laugh. Those big blue eyes of his. It may have taken roughly 6000 years but here we are. Dining at the Ritz. Aziraphale was my best friend. Maybw it was only due to the fact that no one else stuck around long. But I didn't care. I wouldn't trade this for the world. Things could stay this way forever, if I didn't do anything to mess up. Lost in a daze I spoke before thinking, "I want to kiss you..."

"What was that dear boy?" Aziraphale asked as he looked over to me as I quickly look away and lean back in my chair.

"I uh... I said if you died I wouldn't miss you."

Of course the angel didn't believe that, but he just smiled and continued eating his food.

Fuck... It was terrible when I fell from heaven... But I didn't instend to fall a second time. But this is so much...  Worse? Better? Worse. No... This feeling so so gross but yet it filled me with warmth. Not the kind I feel in hell. Not burning. Not pain. Just... But is that word... Happiness? Yes. I am happy. I hope this never changes...
Everything was black. My entire body was in pain. I slowly opened my eyes to see bright white and a crooked smile in front of me.

Everything was about to change.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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