Chapter Five - Weaping Demon

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"Open the god damn door!" The angel screamed on the other side. His fist slamming against the barrier between us. If I had a soul, it would have left my body. "Crowley... Please. Just open the door. Or I'll... Well I suppose it is what you want but... I'll never talk to you again." There was a pause. And then a sigh. I just stood there. My hands were shaking. I "miracled" myself a pair of sunglasses, less for my snake eyes and more for my broken eyes. I snapped my fingers. Click. The door was unlocked. Another pause. I couldn't handle this, I wish i were discorperated. The door began to open. In a slight moment of panic and checked my sleeves, covered my arms. My face was blank, but I knew at any moment there would be tears. The angel stood before me. The angel I loved more than anything. The one being I'd discorperate myself for. The one who does not love me.

The angel stayed in the doorway. Our eyes met. Oh shit.... I can't do this. My eyes broke from his gaze and I looked at him, all of him. His stance seemed weak, as if he could at any moment just fall over. Everything was loose, almost limp, but he was still up right. His face, his amazing perfect face. His lips parted slightly, curving down making thw saddest little frown. His big blue eyes seeming so distressed. Everything felt still. But at the same tike the room was spinning. I felt sick. Is it hot or is it just hell? I shouldn't be here. No he shouldnt. We both shouldn't. My mind is everywhere I need to... Calm... Down. 

A soft voice spoke up, "Crowley... Dear. I... I am so sorry." His voice. His eyes. Everything. I wanted him. I needed him. I don't feel so well. Why can't my mind just shut up for one damn moment! Just one moment. I dropped to my knees. Face blank. Tears now rolling down my face. What's wrong with me. Why is this happening. Why do I hurt so badly.

An audible gasp could be heard from Aziraphale as his rushed to my side. The panicked angel was asking so many questions and then he did the worst he could have done.

His hand landed on my forearm. I hissed at the pain causing Aziraphale to jump as he was startled from my sudden sound. He looked at my arm then back to me. He went to roll up my sleeve but I grabbed his wrist. "Angel..." I pleaded but Aziraphale had a stern look on his face. His face. His perfect sweet face. Stop. This is why I am suffering. If I could just. Stop. My sleeve is up. He has seen. His respect for me us gone, if he even had any in the first place. Why is he here.

"C-Crowley... The holy water... My dear I. I'm so sorry. This is my fault. I am sorry. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I-I can't run away with you, but... Well it doesn't mean I don't want to. But Gabriel he. All of them.. I just. I am an angel. They would positively burn me. And if Hastur or Beelezbub were to find out that you loved an angel. They'd burn you in holy water. I can't have that. I can't let them do that because of me. Look what you have done to yourself." The angel went on and on with his rant, but there was nothing but soft purity in his voice. He placed his hand firmly over the burns on my arm, it glowed slightly and felt weird. My arm had healed. I tried my best to find words.

"Angel. I... I don't want to lose you. I don't want to scare you. This whole 'plan' this whole thing I don't want it. I didn't want to fall I don't want to be an unlovable demon. Please Aziraphale I am sorry." My body couldn't handle all the stress, my head found it's way onto the angels shoulder. I was sobbing and he held me close. This was wrong. But it felt so right. I don't want to be a demon but I can't possibly be an angel because if this is a sin... Well I don't think I ever want to be holy. I just want him. Just my angel. Just Aziraphale.

"My dear boy, you won't lose me. You're my best friend. No matter what nonsense I say, you are my friend and have been for 6000 years." He smiled slightly, reassuring me.

"But... You're an angel and I am a demon."

"You are Crowley and I am Aziraphale. That is all that matters to me... I fear I haven't been completely honest with you. I didn't want to believe I felt this way but It's just silly for me to hide... Crowley I." He paused. I looked at him, my face tear stained no doubt. I was a mess on the floor with an angel of the lord waiting for him to say what I have always been waiting for. "Crowley I think somethings wrong."


The Demons In Love || Crowley x AziraphaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora