Chapter Six - Gabriel

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"Crowley something is wrong... We don't have time. Just... Listen to me." The angel's voice was panicked yet firm. Another tear slipped from my eye before I nodded for him to continue. "We are going to be caught. It's not going to end well. I have feared this so much. I-I can't... I can't fall... I can't go against god. You... You will be tortured. So just... Grab my hand and switch bodies with me."

My eyes widdened as I backed away slighty. My head tilted to the sides as words softly came from my mouth. "You want to... What?"

Aziraphale grabbed my hand and looked at me with pleading eyes. "Please. We don't have time..." He begged. I forcefully swallowed, my throat felt dry. A shakey breath left my mouth.


My body suddenly felt all weird. We had begun the body swap. I didn't want it to show but I was having a full on panic attack. I am not as cool and calm as I let on. I'm nothing like how the angel sees me. I am scared and pathetic...

As we finished swapping the door completely broke off. It was loud and startled me but Aziraphale didn't move. He tried to have a blank face but I saw the fear in his eyes. I've never seen him like this. Sure I probably scared him a few times. But this was nothing.

This was true terror and frankly... I don't blame him.

The door, or now hole that was in my wall, began to glow. I put my hand over my eyes and squinted.

In walked the devil himself.

Well not exactly. As bad as Satan was, there was no greater evil than that of the Archangel Fucking Gabriel.

As the bastard sauntered is ass in, Beelzebub walked in behind him. The two worst beings in the universe. This isn't going to go well.

It briefly slipped my mind that I had to act like Aziraphale. I quickly stood up and kept good posture. I stayed silent and looked down at the angel. It was weird seeing myself looking terrified. Even worse knowing it is him and knowing that those bastards have stuck this much fear into my angel. My angel? These questions can wait.

The angel, now looking rather demonic, stood up and leaned towards the angel and demon before us. "Lord Beelzebub. Archangel Gabriel. You could have knocked, now my flat is just a mess." Did I sound like that? Do I act that much like a bitch? I guess to them I would act like that.

"Crowley, the traitor." Beelzebub was always more for conversation, but they had their ways if torture. But you can't be that intimidating when you are five feet tall and have a fly bigger than you on your head.

"Aziraphale, so sad to see it has to come to this. But you two are getting in the way of the plan. Your work I am afraid... Well it is done. Aziraphale, you will be brought back upstairs, and you will be punished greatly. It will hurt me more. No. Haha I am sorry. It will hurt you, much more." Gabriel disliked the whole conversation aspect but boy did he run his filthy mouth. If he so much as touches my angel I will being upon a rage of hell fire.

"Oh I don't think we will be going with you I'm afraid. Busy schedule. Should have called first. Could have been more prepared ya know? Get some tea?" Aziraphale tried his best to stall. Beelzebub might left it drag out but there is no way, in heaven or hell, that Gabriel would let either of us leave.

The next few things happened so quickly. Gabriel grew impatient. He snapped his fingers and angels came in, dragging me away. No. No. I wouldn't be able to protect Aziraphale. If Beelzebub or Hastur were to find out.

"An- Crowley. Please. Be careful! Don't let them hurt you!" I stumbled around my words. I wasn't prepared to be him. I couldn't have him be me.

I reached out to the angel, he did the same. Our hands nearly touched but before I could feel the sweet sensation of his skin on mine, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Gabriel had sent a swift kick my way. My arm that had been reached out had fallen down and I screamed. Everything became a blur as I was dragged away to heaven. Being there hurt. All the bad memories before I had fallen. The burning feeling throughout my whole body. It was much larger than I remembered. So empty. It didn't feel as empty last time I was here but, I knew that had been for a different reason... I knew that there was only one thing that made heaven actually feel like heaven.


But he wasn't here. I couldn't help him. He was down in hell with those terrible demons. They are hurting him no doubt. Hastur is probably running his stupid mouth. Beelzebub is being a brat. I was stuck here with Gabriel. There had been other angels but I hadn't seen them in a while.

I focused on everything that was going on. I was standing in the middle of heaven. My hands were bound. I felt sick. Gabriel was a few feet away. He may be an angel but he had a devilish grin on his face.

"I was going to punish you by throwing you into the fire of hell. A little discorperation never hurt anyone. Well. It will hurt you, but don't worry. I will enjoy it. But I am afraid I can't do that to you. Can I Aziraphale?" He walked closer to me. My body filled with anger. But within that anger there lived so much fear. It was easy when I was on earth, I could hide behind some glasses and a smile. No one could question it. Only being there was my angel and he doesn't know the real me. He couldn't. They all took that away from me. If I hadn't fallen.... I hated angels. But I hated demons so much more.

"What do you mean?" I muttered, letting myself glare right at the archangel. Aziraphale may be sweet but I knew deep down he hated these angels as much as I did. Gabriel planned on killing him, I am sure he'd have some words.

"You know exactly what I mean. Crowley." He snapped his fingers and I felt sick. I looked down. I was me... No... No no no! "So sorry your plan didn't work. They will find out you know. That your little feathered boyfriend is an angel. Oh the punishment will be far worse for you two now. Couldn't stay problematic down there on earth. Could you? Shame really."

I dropped to my knees. Hands still bound. Everything stung so badly. My eyes widdened as I heard footsteps approach me. I looked up to see the crooked smile of the archangel. My lip quivered as the look on my face was begging for mercy.

"This will be fun. Your torture will be his torture. He will learn. Even if it costs your life. You should have given up a long time ago. Now you'll die." His smile grew widder. He grabbed my hair and slammed my head down on the ground. The pain from my head shot through the rest of my body. Everything was growly cold and black...

Oh fuck.

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