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"It's not fair" one of the cheerleaders whined, Tina was her name I think or was it Trixi definitely something with a T. "They get away with nothing but slap on the wrist while we all get to miss this years Halloween ball"

Oh boy, I thought it didn't take a genius to figure out that she was talking about Xander and me. Good thing I was by my locker and away from her line of vision.

"Tania's right" another one of the cheerleaders "I had my costume custom made months ago where am I going to wear it now!"

Using my notebook to cover my face I ducked away from them before they noticed me. Apparently, they weren't the only ones the whole school was upset about the Halloween ball it's a huge event second only to Prom and because of us it's now completely canceled.

"Hey," I said to Angela and Jerome as I sat at my usual seat behind them.

"Hello everyone hates you by the way" Jerome nonchalantly said like he was telling me about the weather.

"I know" I sneered at him "the cheer squad was basically chanting my name in the hallway"

"I'd be expecting a pitch-fork wielding mob by the end of the day" Angela said "You have got to fix this. It's the Halloween Ball!"

"I know! I'm trying to think of a way to fix this" I threw my hands up in the air exasperated. "It's enough I have endure another 3 weeks of this so called 'community service'"

So far Xander and I had completed one miserable week. Chief Mathews had us as his personal slaves. Tuesday, we babysat his kids while he went on date night with his wife. The twin girls, Maxine and Mia, were two Jojo Siwa and Jake Paul obsessed tweens not to mention super annoying while their five year old son, Trevor, was alright but he had this unusual habit of staring. Wednesday, we organize Chief Mathews his office then clean out his truck on Thursday. Finally on Friday we get off easy by just picking up trash on the highway probably because he didn't have anything for us to do.

"Hey guys" the substitute teacher was who was assigned after Mrs. Anthony the English teacher went suddenly into labor came in. "I'll just start roll then I need you handover the homework Mrs. Anthony had assigned for today"

I heard a few collective groans from people who probably hadn't done the homework but I didn't need to worry cause I had done it long ago. But I did have other bigger issues to worry about and no idea on how to solve them.

After school, I scanned the school's parking lot trying to find the bane of my existence finding him sitting on a bench near the gate.

"We need to talk" I told Xander as I came up next to him. He continued looking through his phone not giving me a response. I was this close to smacking him on the head when I saw the airpods in his ear. I didn't waste a second pulling one out of his ear.

"What the.." he said angrily looking up at me.

"We need to talk" I repeated throwing the airpod back at him.

"Breaking up with me already Rockwell" he said with a grin "now I thought we had something special"

"Going for a career in comedy I see. Fitting as you almost didn't get to graduate" I mirrored his words from the other day.

"Well at least I don't steal lines from others" he retorted "all my content is original"

"Xander we have our whole lives to give each other comebacks can you just control that sassy mouth of yours for two minutes and hear me out," I said

"Sassy mouth.."

"Good" I took a seat next to him on the bench "You know everyone collectively hates us because of the Halloween Ball cancellation"

"So be it better than not graduating at all" Xander disputed "may I remind you how close we were to being expelled"

"We still have an entire year ahead of us. You really think we both can survive with the whole school against us" I reasoned "the cheerleaders were complaining about it and you're on the football team. Think about it, they might not exactly be saying nice things about you in their next chant"

My words to a few seconds to sink in but soon he relaxed his knit eyebrows giving me a resolved look.

"What's your plan?" He said with a sigh

"Well I'm too afraid to face Principal Stevens again that leaves only one option"


I didn't have to say much as the answer presented itself in a black police truck honking his horn loudly.

"Get in!" Chief Mathews yelled on the megaphone. He sure did love using that thing.

"Where are we going today?" Xander asked

"Back to my office, I have a lot of work backed up plus I need help sorting some files so that's your assignment for today"

"Files sounds exciting" Xander muttered

"Yup you'll be having a ball" Mathews said with equal disinterest.

"Speaking of a ball" I said "We have this yearly Halloween ball"

"And that information concerns me how?" He shrugged

"Principal Stevens canceled it because of the food fight" Xander explained chiming in.

"Again not my problem"

"Everyone hates us for it at school" I said

"Oh really? That's a shame, but still, I'm not interested" Mathews continued on driving indifferently.

"Please Chief Mathews help us" I pleaded "you're our last hope"

The truck came to an abrupt stop jolting both of us forward which was weird as we still were a few minutes away from the precinct.

"Out!" Chief Mathews commanded getting out himself. "You two want a favor from me?"

"Umm, we were just.." I don't what Xander was trying to say but Mathews was having none of it.

"Shut it Montgomery! Simple yes or no?"

"Yes" I spoke up this time.

"Well, then I have to ask for a favor in turn from you two?"

"What exactly...?"

"I'll tell you what I want, I've had it up to here with this silly feud. From high school when the red paint intended for Montgomery bounced off him onto my favorite denim jacket to today when I have to deal with the mess you two create. I am not dealing with this stupidity anymore so if you want me to convince Stevens to give you the Halloween Gala you want.."

"Halloween ball" Xander corrected bravely I may add I was too scared to even move.

"Whatever it's called, I, in turn, want you two to convince me that this feud won't go on for another generation. Until I'm not completely convinced no Halloween Prom!" He said turning back to the truck "Now get back in"

"Guess there'll be no Halloween Ball this year"


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