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Hi guys, sorry for the long wait. I don't have a really good excuse for not posting anymore other than boredom. I totally had the time to write but chose not to since I still love writing I thought I'd start again. I will try to post a chapter a week or so but will definitely push myself to publish at least once a month if I'm not able to do it weekly. Hope you enjoy the story. Till next time 😘.



I thought over the number as I tossed and turned in bed that night. It was 3:20 pm when I saw the clock so that meant Xander was hinting whatever prank he was going to pull it would take place at 5:58 pm tomorrow. School would be out by then and I would be home by that time but again. I thought why would he tell me the time knowing that I could easily avoid it.

"Maybe it's something that'll come to me" I said out loud. Sighing and throwing off the bed covers knowing there was no sleep for me tonight. I pulled out my phone and dialed Sammy's number.

"Still awake I see" I heard his voice after two rings

"I'm basically a ticking time bomb how can I?" I threw my one free hand in the air in annoyance. "Did you find out anything?"

"Xander is keeping a very tight lip about it all but my informants are telling me that he says it's big" Sammy answered

"Do you think they're holding back information or something?" I asked

"With what I've got on them they wouldn't dare" Sammy scoffed. I thought about asking what he had on them but shook it away. Friends were off limits anyway.

"So nothing then" I huffed

"Nope" he said popping the p

"Well then I guess I have no choice" I said

"What do you mean?" asked Sammy

"Sammy my dear you have that thing that can get into a phone with a passcode right?"

"Yeah but it's very expensive and I don't let anyone but me use it" Sammy warned. Oh little did he know.

"Great I'm coming over in the morning show me how to work the thing and thanks for loaning it to me" I said hurriedly in one breath.

"I never agreed to.."

"Ok Sammy. Byeee" I sung into the phone before hanging up.

If I was powerless to stop Xander's plan then I'd hit him with an equally or maybe bigger epic prank to make it even then and there. Not wasting a second I flipped open my laptop searching for suitable 'businesses' that I could use to complete the ultimate prank.

"Xander Montgomery you're in for a treat" I laughed gleefully looking at the fruits of my searching.

It took a lot of coaxing to get myself out of bed once the alarm rang at six am only the thought of getting even with Xander was able to drag myself out of bed. And I mean literally drag myself first sliding myself from the bed to the floor and getting up with ever so difficulty to go to the bathroom.

"Stupid Xander and his stupid pranks making me get only two hours of sleep" I muttered angrily as I stomped into the shower. The shower helped me wake up slightly but I knew only strong black coffee would be able to keep me awake and thankfully Celia our housemaid was already awake making breakfast.

"Morning Aria dear" Celia greeted her thick Columbian accent. "I see you're up early, sit down at the table I'll bring you a cup of coffee. Black with two sugars just as you like it"

"You're a life saver Celia" I said kissing her on the cheek before plopping down at the table. "Could you please put in a tumbler I'm running late"

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