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Aria and I lived in the same neighbourhood, in fact I could see her house from my window as both of our houses were just separated by a communal garden. The communal garden had a play set in the middle where all the kids in the neighbourhood would play and that's where our personal feud began. The day my dad explained the situation with the Rockwell's I went out to play and found none other than Aria sitting on a swing. I went up to her and stood a few feet away from her to which she looked up and sneered at me.

"My dad says your real name is Rockweak not Rockwell" I told her grinning feeling proud of myself.

"Well my dad says you all are Montpoopypants" Aria replied sticking out her tongue. That made me mad so I pushed her off the swing straight into the sand. To her credit Aria didn't cry but got a handful of sand and threw it into my eye. I screamed and after rubbing some of it away I lunged for her grabbing her hair she responded by biting me on my arm hard. The other parents tried to separate us but neither of us would budge so they called our parents. Our dads managed to pry us apart while also cussing each other out. My brother Daniel then kicked Aria's dad in the shin to which Aria's brother Patrick tackled him down while her other brother Mason started punching my dad's leg. Aria's dad put her down first trying to stop Daniel and Patrick from fighting then my dad put me down to get away from Mason and pull Daniel and Patrick apart. Aria and I didn't waste a second grabbing each other's hair as hard as we could. It had turned into a full on riot in a matter of seconds. I don't remember how it ended but I do remember my mom and Aria's mom trying to make us let go of each other's hair but both of us wanted the other to let go first.

We were five then and now at eighteen the fight is still pretty much going on.

We had been following Aria for a few minutes when she slowed down around a near by neighbourhood stopping by a house that seemed familiar. Aria honked the horn loudly for a few seconds before her friend Jerome appeared and got in the car and he stayed there for awhile.

"Do you think she saw us?" I asked Dave

"Don't think so we've kept our distance the whole time" he answered. Both of us were slouched way down in our seats.

"She's on the go again" Dave said looking up. Jerome had exited Aria's car and was heading home and she started to drive off. We waited a few seconds before we followed her again so not to seem too obvious. Aria kept driving till she went into the shady part of town which seemed weird.

"Damn! This girl has balls coming here alone" Dave said looking around "this is no place for a Mercedes to be"

"Really a girl comes here alone and you're worried about the car?" I asked in disbelief

"Well the car is expensive they could sell the parts for good money" he reasoned

"Yeah and you're an idiot" I said shaking my head "Hey she's slowing down"

Aria went into a parking lot next to a warehouse and we followed her into it too. She parked her car upfront right next to the entrance so we decided to park way in the back while she went inside.

"Do we wait for her to come out or do we go in?" Asked Dave

"We go in" I said after thinking it over for a while.

"Wait let me put the car on high alert" Dave said before getting out of the car and checking twice if he locked it.

"You done!" I asked in annoyance to which he nodded "Come on! We need to see who she meets in there"

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