"I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I live just across the street there," he said, pointing to a row of cottage-style homes. "I can take you there and call a doctor friend of mine. He can come and take a look at your foot, maybe give you a prescription for the pain at least. Would you be amenable to that?"

She looked up at him, eyes blinking in rapid succession as if she was having trouble processing what he was saying.

"You want to take me home with you? To your home? Where you live? I'm a total stranger!" She exclaimed at the incredulous suggestion.

He smiled and laughed to himself. "Yes, you're right, it does seem absurd, but you refuse to go to a hospital and I would feel terrible leaving you to your own devices and letting that get worse."

Isabella nodded, taking it all in and chewing on her bottom lip as she thought about her answer. Tom couldn't help as his gaze wandered to her mouth. He found it rather distracting in a pleasant way.

"Ok. I guess you're right, I do need to see a doctor and this way I can stay away from the hospital. If you're sure you don't mind?"
Her gaze was a mixture of hopeful and hesitant. These kinds of things only happened in movies. Who was lucky enough to stumble across a celebrity out running who just invites you back to their home? Certainly not her. The last few years had taught her that. It also taught her that fairy tales and fate weren't real. She would go with him, see this doctor and be out the door as fast as she could, never to see him again. He probably wouldn't even remember her name.

"Good choice," he said, surprised by the level of excitement in his voice.
Reaching underneath her, he went to pick her up when she tensed in his arms.

"No, wait! Don't do that. Just help me up? Please. I can walk."

"But it's just across the way, it's really no trouble," he said, confusion evident on his face.

"No, really. I insist on walking. It's not that bad really."
She smiled through the pain as she tried to roll her ankle around.

Tom was curious as to why she refused to be carried but decided not to say anything. Instead, he helped her to her feet and secured an arm around her waist to steady her. She hesitantly wrapped her arm around his long torso, unsure of how close she should get.

"Lean into me to take the weight off your foot," he instructed and she complied without complaint.

They began the walk over, the air between them just a bit uncomfortable. She wasn't sure what to say to someone like Tom Hiddleston. Should she mention that she knew who he was? No, he probably gets that all the time. Sure, he was just a man like everyone else, but he was no ordinary man in her eyes. She settled for silence as she focused on not falling again.

They walked up to the modestly styled cottage home where he helped her up the steps to the door. Walking in, Isabella took a look around the entryway, stopping to appreciate the simple, yet beautiful design. The walls were white but held paintings of contemporary art filled with color. Tom led her into the living room and helped her sit down on a blue suede loveseat situated in the middle of the room by a cozy fireplace. Shelves stuffed with books sat in a corner. There were more pictures on the wall, but these were family photos and she couldn't help but look at each one, amazed to be given this quick peek into his family life.

Feeling as though the room was too quiet, she attempted to make small talk. "Nice place you have here."

"Thank you, it's not my permanent home, I'm just staying here until my place is finished being renovated. It's home for now though."

"That's a shame, I think it's rather lovely," she said in appreciation as she continued scanning the room.

Tom smiled at her warmly, watching her again as she looked at every nook and cranny. She had a natural beauty to her that she seemed to be either unaware or unconcerned of. He caught himself staring at her and forced himself to look away lest she sees the way he was gawking at her. Clearing his throat, he pulled out his cell phone and called his doctor friend.

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