part 15

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"aahh!!" I let out an excited squeal as Kai let go of the swing. Today was the third day of our vacation and after lazing around the whole of yesterday at the Villa,we decided to go around and just enjoy the beauty of Bali. Today we are visiting Aloha Ubud. It's a beautiful resort set over the edge of a cliff,the scenery is absolutely beautiful. My favorite part is the huge set of swings placed over the edges of the cliff. It's the adrenaline rush that comes with just swinging on top of a cliff,the emotions of fear and excitement are so addictive. We've been here for the last hour and I am stuck at this specific place. Christoph and his wife joined us and we are absolutely happy with their company. Christoph is a hoot!

"Okay! Okay! I've had enough!" I scream out with a tinge of exhaustion but the excitement still laces my voice. Kai instructs our tour guide to help me off the swing and to remove the harness. As soon as that's done,I rush over to where Kai is and I embrace him. He let's out a low chuckle and speaks,
"Some one is excited,look at you,you are shivering."

It's not because am cold though, adrenaline just has that effect on me.  "I am excited. I can't thank you enough for this Kai."
I pull back a little to face him,his dark shades masking his eyes but the huge smile on his face let's me know his as happy to be here as me.

"You don't need to sweetheart. Although,I do have an idea of what you can do to show me.."

My interest in piqued.

"Oh really.." I ask playfully while his head dips slowly

"Yeah.." he says while his lips capture mine in a passionate kiss.

Just when I am about to get lost in the moment,we hear the not so subtle "aheem" of Christoph. Sheepishly letting go of our embrace we face the other couple,our guide seems to have busied himself while Christoph and Harriett's faces are coloured a pale pink.

"Sorry..." I mumble out while a nervous laugh follows.

"Aahh young love." Harriett croons while her eyes take on a dreamy look.

"Okay that's enough kids,let's go get some drinks and something to eat. I heard they serve delicious cocktails here."
Christoph declares while intertwining his fingers with his wife,leading the way to the resorts bar.

Kai looks at me and quickly places a kiss on my lips and soon we follow Christophs' suit with a giggling me in tow.

We've been here only three days and I've been turned into a love bitten buffoon. In the words of Abba 'A grown woman should never fall so easily.'


"Quick babe! Take a picture before he jumps off!" I whisper yell to Kai while the little monkey plays around on the top of my bag pack placed on my back. After having a delicious lunch at the resort,we came to the monkey forest which is quite close. They are so cute!! I can't describe how adorable they are. This is what I love to see, nature being appreciated and not destroyed. This is one of the reasons I chose Bali as one my holiday destinations,the greenery and the clean air, untouched, almost,by the industries that have taken over the world leaving trails of pollution.

"Got it!" Kai says while I hear the sound of the camera going off.

"Ow! Hey!" I yelp as the little monkey pulls on the tendrils of my hair. Malakai and Christoph laugh while Harriett pulls the little guy off me.

"You're not so cute anymore." I playfully say while sticking my tongue out at him and this little monkey sticks his right back!
I gasp loudly while the rest of the group laughs at my expense.

2 hours later...

"Let me just give the rest of these nuts and we can go." I face Malakai while taking out the pack of nuts I bought to feed the monkeys. He nods his head in approval while his phone decides to ring just then. Excusing himself,he steps back and am left with Harriett and Christoph. The three of us plus our tourist guide involve ourselves in some idle chatter.

"Is it done?" Malakai says coolly while glancing at the bent form of Sam handing out a handful of nuts to a little monkey.

"Yes." The gravelly voice says on the other side.

"Good. I don't want that old hag disturbing our peace. If she does,it's your head."

A heavy moment of silence ensues. The other man knows for sure Malakai Lundgren was no man to play with. He knows he can carry out the threat without a problem.

"Understood." Replies the man with a gravelly voice.

"Good." Kai speaks into the phone while he smiles at the approaching form of Sam. Cutting the line,he quickly pockets his phone and meets her half way.

"Who was that?" She asks concerned.

"No one really.."

" just seemed a bit tense for a few moments."
She knows him too well. Malakai always knew she was attentive,it was a good trait of hers that he both liked and disliked. Her accuracy was unnerving in an intriguing way.

"I was just getting some business done. Something's the office can't do without my approval."

If the skeptical look she was giving him was anything to go by,she didn't believe him. Seemingly brushing the moment off she grabs his hand,a small smile playing on her face,she speaks,

"Come on,let's go."


"Did you enjoy the day?" Kai asks me while his hand plays with my hair. We are both in bed, exhausted and just reflecting on the day we've spent. 

"Of course..." I say,a satisfied sigh escaping my lips.

"...Christoph and Harriett will be joining us here tomorrow. After lunch,me and Harriett will go shopping around town."  I speak while leaning up on my hand. Kai copies my stance,in this position his so close,I can smell the mint off his breath.

"You two seem close." He says observantly.

"We have a few things in common." I giggle a bit at this.
His eyebrow lifts,

"Like what?" not sure.

"Well we are both women." It's a lame reason I know but Harriett just seems like a pretty cool person to spend a vacation with.

At this he chuckles,"fine,if it's good enough for you,then it's good enough for me."

I chuckle too,"yup. besides, you'll spend some time with Christoph too."

He lies back on the bed and I lie on his chest again.

"Yeah. He said he wants to talk about some business with me."

"What about?" At this my interest is piqued. Over the past weeks of knowing Kai, I've come to realize how generous he can be. Other people see it and even at his own admission,there have been some people who have taken advantage of his good hearted nature. It hurts him alot,I could tell. Suddenly,I feel the need to protect him. I don't really know Christoph and Harriett but they seem well off. But,I am a firm believer of how looks can be deceiving. I just hope this isn't the case.

"I don't know. He didn't say. We'll find out tomorrow."

Sighing,I agree "yeah."
Maybe am just over thinking things.

"We should get some rest baby." He says while reaching for the night lamp. Soon our room is dark and i am cuddled into his warm front. I feel his lips on my forehead and a sleepy goodnight falls from both our lips.

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