part 8

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"Do they know that she's awake?" I ask the good doctor as i lean back into my swivel chair.

The doctor rubs his growing looks kind of scraffy. He needs to shave that I think about it,how did he qualify to be one of the best doctors in this city? 
I guess his the humble type?
I think to myself as I glance down at his sneakers and loose fitting jeans paired with a plain grey shirt as well as his lab coat.

Am impressed by his worth though,there's a reason I hired him. His good at what he does and treats his patients with a gentle ease that could only come with a passion for his career. I admire that.

What I don't admire though,is how he's easily bought. This fool really thought I wouldn't know that May hired him to spy on Sammy??

"Of course they do..they gave me the drug."

"Did they expect it to work?"

At this,he shrugs..

"Let's just say they were willing to take the chance."

Putting my hands behind my head and kicking my feet up to place them on the table,the wheels in my head start turning.

May was actually willing to bet Sammy's life just like that?
What if the damn thing didn't work?!
The thought makes me angry.

Why does May hate Sammy so much? She raised her for goodness sakes..what's her plan?
And why in the hell did she kill Jim?

Standing up while placing my hands in my pockets,I begin to pace the length of the room.

My mind wandering to the day Sammy saw wanders to the conversation I had with Jim before Sam walked in__________________________________________________________________

"Can't you people just let the poor girl go?!" The hoarseness and emotion of Jim's voice reverberates the expanse of the room.

I lean back into the sweet while letting out a mirthless chuckle.

"I can't do that and you know it. That bitch needs to pay for the death of my wife and daughter."

Jim winces at my use of language and he sighs while bowing his head in defeat. There is literally nothing that he will do to stop me from exacting revenge.
When I saw her at the elevator,she looked just the same. Beautiful and innocent. But I know better,her innocence is just a facade. She's evil. And that alone marres her beauty.

Besides,why does Jim care huh?

"She's coming back with me to my office. Whether or not you like it."

I say with finality. Leaving no room for arguments.

"Please just at least give her some time to.."

I cut him off immediately


He sighs again. His face solemn but I can see the traces of anger..

"Fine. But can you at least protect her from May?"

My eyebrow raises at this. Why?

Just when he's about to respond,Sam walks in and that's how the conversation ends. That was the last time me and Jim talked.


"I should go check up on Sam."

The doctor says while standing up, disrupting my thoughts.
I stop pacing and turn to look at him.
I study his demeanor..he looks like his walking on eggshells. Good. I don't want him too comfortable any way.

I hate disloyalty. But I needed his services,so I got to him the way I knew would work. I offered and paid him more money to be a double "agent"
After finding out that May bribed him,I played with the situation and made it work for me.

Nodding my head in approval,he walks off but not before warning him..

"Doctor.." I calmly call out. He pauses at the door. His hand on the handle, shoulders tensing.

"Yes sir?"

"Don't try anything."

The statement sounded simple enough but it was packed with promise.

Nodding once,he opens the door and leaves me alone to my thoughts.

What is May up to?


Soaking in the coconut scented bath,I lay my head back to the edge of the huge luxurious tub and after what feels like forever,I relax. I would actually consider staying here if this place didn't belong to that mental bastard, Malakai.

Huffing,I think back to what the nurses told me.

His a kind man they said.
He was by your bed side, constantly taking care of you they said.
But would a kind,caring man try to kill me?!

I don't think so!

I conclude in my mind while nodding my head. Am sure if someone walked in, they'd think I have gone crazy.

Sighing,I lather more soap on to my tired arms. Lord am exhausted.

But am so glad,I have woken up.

But..I feel lighter within my self. I feel better. I feel emotionally free.

I chuckle lightly while the tears fall freely. I feel better. What a strange result.


A soft knock stirs me up from my sleep, yawning,I angle my head rightly. I realize now that I fell asleep in the tub. The water that was once mildly hot is now turning cold and an involuntary shiver runs up my spine. It feels uncomfortable.

I hear another knock on the door,this time a bit louder. It must be one of the nurses.
Sighing I tell the person to come in.

I still feel a bit sleepy so my eyelids droop again. I notice a male figure walk in. Tall and we'll built and immediately I sit at attention. My eyes wide. The audacity of this man.

Standing at the foot of the tub is Kai,in his hands a comfortable fluffy looking robe. Am quickly beginning to despise this man. Good looks be damned!

"What do you want?!" My voice comes out a bit more forceful than intended. Internally,I chastise myself for showing him that he gets to me.

He looks a bit awe struck before coming back to his self. He smiles kindly towards me and he speaks. His voice gentle and patient.

"I came to give you this robe. You've been in the bath for long and I don't want you getting a cold."

"Why do you care?! Wouldn't you want me dead!" I say sneering at him,the little patience I had quickly wearing thin.

His demeanor tenses but the kindness and patience on his face remains.

"Sammy I.."

"Get out Kai.." I cut him of,my voice in a whisper. Looking away from him like he was hideous.

He hesitates and I whip my head in his direction.

"I said get out!" This time I yell. And the water works start. This man almost killed me for no reason!! He thought I would wake up and everything would be dandy??!

His face looks hurt but he nods his head and places the robe on the marble high floor of the tub. Silently he turns and leaves.

Eventually I sob,not out of hurt but hate. Why did he want to kill me?!!


Leaning outside the door of the bathroom,i hear Sammy sob and my heart goes out to her.

If only she could let me apologise and hear my side of the story...

Am so sorry Sammy..

But I won't give up,I will try again tomorrow.

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