part 4

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Please read my note at the end of this part.


Walking into my new work environment feels odd. It's not the same..this place is cold and the people less friendly. I guess it's expected from a huge company. But still..I won't trust anyone just like Jim told me. Jim...
Snapping back to reality,I check in and head to my new work space. As soon as I settle in the little office,the office phone rings. Picking it up,the almost robotic voice on the other end tells me that Mr Malakai wants to see me.
Sighing,I head to the office I was instructed to go to. Knocking silently,a deep and smooth voice tells me to go in.
I shouldn't trust him..I shouldn't trust him. I repeat the mantra over and over until I am seated opposite him.
He looks.. gorgeous. Looking up at me,he gives me a wistful smile,an almost sad one and slowly I feel my resolve crack. I smile back.. genuinely

"Good morning Sir." I say in a very professional tone.

"Good morning.. please call me Kai. It's short for my full name. After all we will be working together for a long period of time."

I nod my head in understanding,
"You asked for me..Kai" I add his name as an afterthought. I hear him take in a sharp intake of breath and his eyes dance with excitement. Quickly,he schools his emotions and speaks calmly

"Yes,I did. I want to apologise for your loss. You worked with Jim for a little over 3 months and you must have established a relationship of sorts..". He speaks all these sentimental words but his eyes are so cold. You know the saying "eyes are the windows to ones soul"? Yeah well..I can literally tell how someone feels about me or at the moment almost accurately through their eyes. Lady favorite professor and guardian from the orphanage, called it a gift.

"Yes..his death came as quite a surprise. I was in shock to say the least."

Nodding sympathetically, while his eyes remain cold he says "it's quite understandable."

We keep silent for a few seconds and I start to wonder why he really called me. I can tell he wants to say more but he is holding back.
He clears his throat and speaks
"Well I don't want to hold you here much longer. Your new assistant will get you acquainted and you can start working as soon as she is done. Remember,you have the best advisors here at your disposal. Use them." With one more charming smile thrown my way,I get up and leave.


As Kai watches Sam go in an almost predatory manner. He chuckles to himself and picks up the phone

"Have you finished setting up the cameras in her office?"

A few seconds of silence and eventually a female voice comes through "yes sir."

"Thank you.. Diana. Tell Mira that I will wire the money in a few minutes."

The phone line cuts. Just as he is about to start working,it rings again. Picking it up,a panicked voice comes through

"Killing Jim wasn't part of the plan Malakai!!!"

Pulling the phone away from his ear he scowls "What did you want me to do?! Sit there and watch him expose me! He was on his way to telling her the truth that night"

Now crying, the voice tries to talk through sobs. "Please... don't hurt her..Kai.."

Scoffing loudly, Malakai speaks into the phone
"I can't promise that May." Without waiting for a reply from her, he cuts the line.


1 month later.....

Malakai watches attentively as Sam writhes in her bed,sits up and stretches herself. All this through the cameras he strategically placed all over her house. Currently he is in his office, doing his favorite pastime, watching all of Samantha Owen's movements. His been in his office since 05:30. He couldn't sleep..he had night mares of the night that changed his life.

"I wonder if she remembers..." He whispers to himself.
He turns his attention back to the monitor and notices that she is headed to her bathroom.
Automatically,the cameras switch to the ones in her rest room.
The cameras are motion detected,so everywhere she goes,he is watching.

As Sam starts to undress, Malakai switches off his monitor.

Sighing,he leans back in his seat.

" can I look at the woman naked when all I want to do is kill her!" In a rage,Kai stands up and throws a glass cup to the floor.

Taking a hold of his anger,he doubles over on his desk and let's out a bitter wail.

"Why did you take away my family from me Samantha Owen's!!!!"


Walking into my office,I drop my bag and head straight to Kai's office. I need to do a review of where I am at with the blue prints to his new building. Knocking once,he tells me to go in.
His face is stoic,he looks like his in a terrible mood. I must tread lightly. Sitting down,I smile warmly at him and in acknowledgement he nods once. Okay....
"Am here to update you Kai.."
My voice trails off as I notice his jaw tightening. I also notice something else..a faint white jagged cut, running from his ear to his mouth. How did I not see that? The man's face is always Clean shaven. He notices the direction of my eyes and he clears his throat

"Well. Go on. We don't have all day."

I snap out of it and begin with the review. But every so often,I find myself staring back at the scar. That must have been painful.

An hour later and he loosens up. I conclude the review and he nods in appreciation.

"Good job. Jim was right when he said you are good."

"Thank you. Although am still a work in progress."

"Well I am sure you will be excellent by the time you get your license."

I smile sheepishly and a brief moment of silence elapses..

He breaks it first

"So..I hope you don't mind but tell me a little bit about yourself."

A bit surprised at his curiosity,I shrug a bit and decide to tell him a few things..

"Well..I was raised in an orphanage by a kind woman. May Jones... she was also my professor at the University I went to.." smiling at the memories I continue

"Well, she insists on being called Lady May because she feels it adds a classy touch. I never knew my parents but she took me in as if I was her own. In return,I work hard to make her proud."  Playing with my fingers,I stay silent for a bit. Talking about my past is always a bit hard for me. I never knew my parents,they Left me at a hospital. Lady May run an orphanage and that's where I was taken..
I will never understand why I was given away but I do forgive who ever my parents are...

Leaning into his chair,I look back at Malakai. His face is hard and his eyes intense. This man,I can tell,hates me...

"How about your university years?"

The question comes out demanding..I lift one of my eyebrows questioningly and quickly he schools his face and tries to be cheerful

"I mean,they must have been fun and easy since your guardian was your professor. Right?"

I chuckle a bit
"quite the opposite actually. Lady May was harder on me."

"But you must have had some times to let loose."

"I guess I did.." my mind wanders back to a day that I hate to think of. My mood quickly changes.

"I should get going." Quickly I stand and leave without waiting for a response from him.
I head to my office and I am immediately filled with emotions. I cry silently while I think of the day we killed  people...


Intently watching her from his monitor, Malakai shakes with anger. So she remembers.

Hey y'all 💗 apologies. My updates are slow but thank you to the people who are actually reading this. I really appreciate no matter how small the audience is. Please don't forget to like, comment and star this book.

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