Spacewomen Part One

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Summary: Claire and the Twins come across a police box (like the ones in England) and decide to investigate.

A/N: Claire might be a bit OOC because I haven't watched the movie in a while. Sorry for this, but enjoy anyway.

MPHFPC x Doctor Who crossover.


Claire and the Twins, all of them holding hands, excitedly ran down the path leading towards the main part of the island. They had been given permission by Miss P to very quickly head to town and buy some sweets to share. If they were any longer than half an hour, Miss P would come looking for them.

Coming to a stop, Claire and the Twins found themselves in front of the sweet shop. Smiling widely, Claire led her friends into the shop to buy their sweets. The trio headed straight over to the shelves with bottled hard sweets and collectively started deciding which sweets they wanted.

There was a lot of decision making involved, but eventually they all decided they wanted the rhubarb and custard.

Heading over to the counter where the shop owner was watching them with curiosity, Claire informed him they wanted a couple bags of the rhubarb and custard sweets.

"Certainly," the man said and stepped out from his position behind the counter.

He went over to the sweets and grabbed a couple of bags off the side, scooping the rhubarb and custard into the two bags for the children. When he had done that, he put the plastic scoop back and placed the lid back onto the glass container filled with red and yellow sweets.

"That'll be one pound fifty, then, please," the man said, handing them the sweets in their white, paper bags.

Claire opened up her little, pink purse and peered inside, taking out a few, shiny coins. She handed them to the man, asking, "is this enough, sir?"

The man seemed to consider the money then shook his head, "that'll do."

Grinning, Claire handed the sweets to the Twins and grabbed one of their hands, thanking the man and exiting the shop.

On the way back home, she took one of the sweets and popped it into her mouth with delight.

Beside her, the Twins chittered, both pointing at something a bit further up the path. Claire momentarily stopped sucking her sweet as she squinted at something blue.

"What is it?" She asked the Twins, curiosity piqued.

The Twins said something unintelligible.

"A... police box?" Claire repeated, hoping she'd understood them correctly.

She got a nod in return.

"I didn't know there was a police box on the island!" Claire smiled, tugging the Twins along with her to get a closer look.

As they reached the box, out stepped two women. One brightly dressed with a generally happy disposition and straight, blonde hair, and the other more sensibly dressed with wild, blonde curls and something strapped to her thigh. For a moment, the both looked around at their surroundings as Claire and the Twins stared in disbelief, then they finally noticed the peculiar children.

"Oh, hello, there!" The straight haired blonde greeted, approaching them. Claire and the Twins cautiously took a step back, unsure about the women just yet. "I'm the Doctor and this is my wife, River Song. What're your names?"

"I'm Claire Densmore, these are the Twins," Claire said, the Twins adding a chitter to what she'd said.

"Just the Twins?" The Doctor asked curiously, aiming her question at the Twins themselves despite the fact that they didn't speak any kind of understandable language.

Claire nodded. She wasn't sure Miss Peregrine would like if she told these strange women from a police box all about the Twins. About herself, even.

"What were you doing in that police box?" Claire inquired.

The Doctor and River shared a look.

"I'm not sure you'd believe us if we told you," the Doctor said and there was a certain wonder in her eyes that Claire couldn't quite grasp.

"I didn't know there was one. Millard didn't tell us and he knows everything about the island," Claire continued. The Twins chittered and Claire dutifully roughly translated what they'd said. "We have never seen you on the island before, either."

"We're just travellers," River said, speaking for the first time.

Claire and the Twins looked at each other with confusion. They'd previously believed it impossible for any normals to get inside the loop; so how had they? Unless they were Peculiar. Claire decided to take her chances asking. If they weren't, then they would be confused as to what they meant and no harm would be done.

"Are you peculiar?" Claire asked the Doctor quietly.

"Oh, she's very peculiar," River told Claire fondly, giving the Doctor a look.

The Doctor grinned.

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