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A/N: This one will be both happy and sad...

The children all gathered around in the hallway, waiting for Miss Peregrine. They were going to the beach and they were all ready, dressed in their beach clothes and swimsuits (except the Twins), but they had to wait for Miss Peregrine who was doing only bird knows what.

Finally, Miss Peregrine came down the stairs and stopped in the hallway where her children were. She was dressed in her normal clothes, despite the fact that they were going to the beach. Some of the children shared looks.

"Right, let's go," Miss Peregrine said with a smile before anyone could say anything.

The children, too excited to worry about what Miss Peregrine was wearing, ran straight out the door and headed to the beach, Miss Peregrine following behind them.


Once at the beach, Miss Peregrine and Emma started setting up a little place to sit with a parasol and a blanket so they wouldn't have to sit on the sand.

Obviously Emma couldn't go in the sea or she'd sink, so she and Jake stayed behind with Miss Peregrine, and the Twins who had already started building a sandcastle. Emma told Jake he could go in the sea if he wanted, but he had replied that he didn't really like the sea.

Claire and Bronwyn were in the shallow end of the sea, splashing water at each other. Millard was in the sea somewhere, probably about to pop up at some point and scare whoever he had chosen as his victim. Horace was strolling along the shore, showing off his new bathing suit which Olive had to tell Enoch not to laugh at. Speaking of Olive and Enoch, they, along with Hugh and Fiona, were play fighting in the shallower ends of the sea. Emma and Jake had to reassure Miss Pegrerine they'd be fine.

After an hour of being at the beach, the Twins had built a magnificent, yet scary, sandcastle. Bronwyn and Claire had come out of the water to help them build the moat. The others were still in the water, and Horace had come to sit under the parasol with Miss Peregrine so he could read.

Miss Peregrine herself was getting a little red with the heat due to her outfit, the parasol was hardly helping.

Horace looked up from his book to see what the others were doing and his eyes landed on Miss Peregrine who stared at a specific point in the sand, blinking every so often. Her breathing was heavy, a trait that gave away how hot she was.

"Maybe you should take your jacket off, Miss," Horace suggested, drawing her attention.

Emma and Jake looked up from their conversation to Horace and Miss Peregrine.

"I'm quite alright, Horace. Now, what are you reading?" She asked in an effort to change the subject.

"He's right," Jacob spoke up, unable to keep quiet anymore, "you're obviously really hot in those clothes."

"I'm fine, Mr Portman," Miss Peregrine said sternly.

"Why are you even wearing that? It's boiling out here," Jake shot back, sounding as stern as Miss P. The latter ignored him in favour of making sure the other children were okay.

Jacob got up and sat in front of her so she couldn't see the others. He was only a head taller than her, but it was enough to block her view.

"Mr Portman," Miss Peregrine said, exhasperated.

"I'm not moving until you tell my why you're wearing such a ridiculous outfit. If you're so fine, you won't mind telling us," Jake crossed his arms. Emma and Horace's eyes widened. No one talked to Miss Peregrine like that and got away with it. Well, maybe Enoch did. Sometimes.

Once again, Miss Peregrine ignored him.

This time, Emma sighed and spoke up, "miss, please just take your jacket off. It's really hot out here." Miss Peregrine looked down. It wasn't every day Emma reprimanded her.

With a sigh, Miss Peregrine stopped leaning back on her hands and started unbuttoning her jacket. After a moment's hesitation, she pulled it off once she'd unbuttoned it. Horace, Emma, and Jake's breath caught in their throats. Miss Peregrine wore a blouse on underneath her jacket, but with the short sleeves and the v-neck, they could spot a multitude of old scars running across her body. Who knows how many more she had?

Jake was the first to speak after a moment of silence. "What happened? I mean, where did you get those scars?" He asked.

"When you grow up with brothers who find it amusing to themselves to constantly hurt you just because they're jealous of your abilities, you can expect to have some scars," Miss Peregrine briefly explained with nonchalance, as if she'd explained it a million times and now it didn't bother her. Emma covered her mouth in shock and Horace closed his book, giving his full attention to Miss Peregrine.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, Miss," Emma said with sympathy.

"It's quite all right, Miss Bloom. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to get you all some ice cream," Miss Peregrine said and stood up.

Before leaving, she put her jacket back on, and this time the others didn't complain. The trio watched in silence as Miss Peregrine walk up the beach to an ice cream stand.

Jake sighed, "well, I didn't expect that..."

Emma glared at him.

"What? I was just trying to help and she was being stubborn," he defended.

"Well, now you've upset Miss P," Horace said coldly.

"I didn't mean to," Jake said miserably.

Emma rolled her eyes, "either way, now we know a little bit about her past and why she does some of the weird stuff she does."

"Yes, she does do some weird stuff..." Horace agreed, turning to look at Miss Peregrine in the distance. Emma and Jake chuckled.


A while later, after one batch of ice cream at the beach, the children and Miss Peregrine made their way home with a second batch of ice cream for them all. Claire had a chocolate ice cream and was feeding it to her backmouth. Jake, Emma, and Enoch had normal, plain ice creams. Olive and Fiona had cola flavoured ice poles. Hugh had a vanilla ice cream cone dipped in sherbert. Horace had rejected any kind of ice cream for fear of it dripping on his bathing suit. The Twins had ice poles which they would eat later when it had melted into liquid form and they could drink it with their straws. Millard had a strawberry ice cream.

When they reached the house, the children ran inside, talking excitedly about their day at the beach. Miss Peregrine's request for them to take off their shoes so they didn't treck sand into the house fell on deaf ears, and she sighed, knowing she'd have to clean it up later.

A/N: So, hey, kind of an angsty yet happy one-shot here... I hope you like it, thanks for getting to the end of it

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