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Disclaimer: I don't own the books nor the movie- they books belong to Ransom Riggs, and the movie belongs to Tim Burton. I don't own the fanart either.

Olive's POV;

When I get really bored and everyone else is busy, I like to take off my shoes and leave them somewhere random in the house, then shuffle around the ceiling until I find a suitable place to hide. I then scare the first person that appears.

Today is one of those boring days living in the loop and having nothing else to do. Claire is somewhere having her hair detangled by Miss P, Enoch is being grumpy, Horace is probably looking at his clothes, and I'm not sure about the others.

I've been on the ceiling for ages. No one has come by, yet. Millard might have, but I don't know because he's invisible and likes to walk around naked a lot. Miss P doesn't approve, but I find it really funny.

I let out a sigh and reposition my tiara when it nearly slips off.

When I'm just about to give up and find somewhere else to hide, I hear footsteps. They're heavy so I know it's someone older and bigger than myself and Claire. The slight uneven sound gives away the person the footsteps belong to. Miss P. She must have finished brushing Claire's hair.

I almost let out a giggle but I clamp a hand over my mouth quickly and wait for her ro round the corner. I try to hold my breath so Miss P doesn't hear me, but I can't so I try and breathe quietly instead.

When Miss P finally rounds the corner, I smile widely and get ready to scare her. She looks focused on the floor, probably making sure she doesn't trip. I do that sometimes.

"Boo!" I yell when she's almost below me.

She startles, yelps a bit, then drops the white hairbrush she'd been carrying. I finally let myself laugh and look at her embarrassed face. It's extremely hard to catch Miss Peregrine off guard, and I just did! I can't wait to tell the others.

With a bit of effort, she picks the hairbrush back up and turns back to me.

"Olive. What on earth are you doing on the ceiling?" She huffs.

"I was bored so I was waiting here to scare someone," I grin.

She fondly rolls her eyes and holds a hand up for me, not seeing my shoes anywhere. I take her hand and she pulls me back down to the floor, holding me in place so I won't float back up to the ceiling.

"Where are your shoes?" She then asks me.

"I think I left them in the kitchen," I tell her with a thoughtful expression.

She smiles, "come on, let's get your shoes and see if we can find something for you to do."

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