A cool Feild Trip (Pt 2)

Start from the beginning

"Peter, I cannot wait for the science surprise!" I convinced Mr.Hamilton that all the kids who are studying science that are in the photography classes should be allowed to go on the surprise trip for the science class, meaning Anna and Max can come with. 

"I hope it is good" I frown slightly as I think of New York, it just felt right that I was going there.

"Okay, Peter what is wrong?" I look at a confused Max,

"Let's pay and go to Starbucks and I will tell you" They agree and we finish shopping and head to Starbucks. We get out dinks, Anna gets a Mango Dragon Fruit drink with coconut milk, while Max gets hot cocoa since he hates coffee and I just get a simple Iced white Chocolate mocha. We sit at a table in the corner away from everyone and I take a sip of my drink.

"Okay Peter Benji, spill now" I nod,

"Every time I think of going to New York it just feels right that I am going to be there and Aunt May did not want me going but would not give a reason at all" They nod, "guys Seatle does not feel like home to me and I do not remember anything before I was ten, the memories are just locked away as if my mind is protecting me about something and then there is the point that May refuses to let me have a phone or even a laptop with wifi!" Anna frowns and pulls out her phone and starts typing something,

"Peter, what if May is not who she has made everyone to think she is?" I look at her confused and she shows me a news article.

The seven-year mystery of little Stark

Seven years ago Peter Stark was kidnapped and no sign of him has been found ever since the tragic day.  

I start laughing at Anna's silliness. "If I was his son, wouldn't I look more like him?" she shrugs and takes her phone back,

"True, you would look more like him if you were his kid" I finish my coffee and smile at her,

"One day we will figure the mystery of May Benji but let's focus on our trip guys" They agree and we all decide to head to the art museum just to get inspiration.


I sit next to Max as Anna is going through security, "Dude I so cannot wait for the expo! like being able to meet some artists plus there is supposed to be a special guest!" I shake my head as Anna walks towards us.

"Peter how the hell did you get Tsa precheck!" Anna crosses her arms and frowns while I chuckle. 

"I honestly have no clue, every time I fly I just have it" Max shakes his head and we all three take our carry-ons and meet with the class.

"Okay everyone is in their pairings of three" I link arms with Max and Anna since they are my group members. Everyone gets with their groups and both the teachers let us go get food but warn us to get back five minutes before boarding. Anna drags us to Starbucks and we all get our usual drinks then head over to a little shop to get snacks. Anna gets gum, sun chips, and a granola bar while Max takes some chips and a soda. I only get a fruit cup. I pay for all three of us even though they protested, I won though because Anna bought us coffee and Max made out custom bag tags. 

We walk around for a bit but suddenly I fall to the ground after running into someone on accident. I quickly get up with the help of said person.

"I am so sorry! I was not looking where I was going!" I look at the person and I guess Max noticed him,

"Oh my gosh, you are Happy Hogan!" I look at Max confused when a woman with strawberry blond hair speaks up,

"it's okay, Happy here was not paying attention" I smile at the woman and she looks at me with a smile but her eyes hold a glint of sadness,

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