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It had been two weeks since I was forced to come clean to Vic about what happened. Things were a little rocky for the first couple of days though. I kept finding him getting in these random hateful moods and wanting to go after Craig, but I managed to convince him not to each time, besides, he didn't know where to find him. I tried to keep Vic in my sights at all times too so he wouldn't be tempted to run off somewhere and try to find him.

Other than that he has been nothing but supportive. He was so sweet and understanding. We barely talked about what happened with Craig except for those first couple of days, and that was okay because I had asked him not to talk about him. I didn't want to be reminded of it all the time even though I could never truly forget, but I do feel myself getting better. I feel a little happier every day and it's like I'm slowly getting back to my old self.

There was however just one thing bugging me; Vic treats me differently sometimes. Sure, he's sweet and more or less the perfect boyfriend, but since he found out about Craig I can tell he watches what he says around me, as if I'm a time bomb about to explode if he even so much as hints towards that night. It's like he's walking on egg shells around me sometimes. He hasn't tried getting physical with me either, which is understandable and I guess I'm thankful, but when we go to sleep at night and he doesn't try things with me like he usually would, I feel kind of like he doesn't want me like that anymore because I've been with someone else. In my heart I know it's not that though. I know he just doesn't want me to freak out about getting physical. I just wished he wouldn't treat me differently, because every time he does avoid getting physical it just reminds me of why and I just get upset.

The thing is, I want to try taking it further. I'm feeling a lot better lately so I want to see if I can take it up a notch and maybe even start having sex again. I find myself wanting it with him, but I'm also a little scared though that I might chicken out like before. I wanted to try though and there was no way Vic was going to initiate so I decided that I was going to have to.

"What are you so deep in thought about?" Vic asked, nudging me. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked around the living room before my eyes fell on him next to me on the couch.

"Oh, nothing," I said and smiled cheekily. He gave me a suspicious look.

"What's that smile for?" he asked.

"Oh...nothing," I said again and subconsciously bit my bottom lip.

My eyes flickered to his lips and I leant in, pressing mine to them. He hesitated for a moment before he kissed me back. He brought his hand up, slid it around my neck and tangled his fingers in my hair. The second his lips met mine I knew I wanted this. I wanted him. I leant back, pulling him on top of me. The kiss got more heated. He trailed his free hand down my body and slipped it under my shirt, caressing my hip. I grasped at his shirt, tugging it up and then...he stopped. He pulled back a little, his lips hovering over mine, both of us breathing heavily.

"Why did you stop?" I asked.

"Uh, someone could walk in," he said and looked around. I held his chin, moving his face to look at me again.

"Then we'll go upstairs," I suggested. He frowned, well he tried not to, but I saw it. I sighed and stopped touching him.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just..." He paused as he tried to come up with an excuse.

"You just what?" I asked. He closed his eyes, shook his head and moved off of me.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"I don't get it. You wanted me before, like, everything happened, but as soon as you found out the truth you've been treating me like I'm contagious," I said.

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