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When I woke up again it was still dark. I could vaguely remember the dream from earlier but I had gotten so good at pushing these things to the back of my mind that it wasn't a problem anymore. I was still so drowsy, but I didn't feel like falling asleep again. Something was keeping me awake but I wasn't sure what. I groaned and reached over to the bedside table, picked up my phone and looked at the time. It was 1AM. I sighed and placed the phone back on the table then rolled over so I could cuddle with Vic, but I was met with an empty space.

I didn't think much of it though. He was probably just using the bathroom or something. I lay there in my half asleep state trying to get back to sleep, but I couldn't sleep without him here with me. After about fifteen minutes I decided to get up and look for him. I left my room and walked down the hall, looking in the bathrooms but didn't see him. I went down stairs, noticing the glow of the TV telling me that someone was up. To my displeasure it was Beau still up watching TV.

"Have you seen Vic?" I got his attention. He looked up at me.

"Yeah. He left about an hour ago, looking pissed. I figured you two got into a fight or something." He said. I was confused. We hadn't gotten into a fight at all, yet he was angry? Unless... My eyes went wide and I turned, running up the stairs. I can't believe he's doing this! I specifically asked him not to go after Craig and now I bet he has. Where else would he just disappear to while he's angry? Oh no, this is not good at all.

When I got back to our room I rushed over to my phone and called Vic. The phone rang for a little bit and then just stopped as if someone had pressed the ignore button.

"God fucking damn it, Vic!" I shouted. I know what he's capable of and what he could do to Craig. He's going to end up in jail. I have to go after him.

I got dressed as quickly as I could and ran down stairs. I went over to the door and looked in the small bowl that we keep our keys in since we share cars mostly. There were no keys there. I quickly looked outside and there were no cars except Beau's. Of course, everyone else was out tonight and using them. I turned back to Beau who was looking at me cautiously.

"I need your car keys." I demanded.

"What? Why?" He asked, getting up.

"Just fucking give them to me!" I snapped. I was in panic mode by now and could feel a headache coming on. I had a bad feeling. I had a really, really bad feeling.

"Not until you tell me what is going on." He said firmly. I wanted to rip him to shreds for denying me the only means of transportation I had to get to Vic, but I just took a deep breath so I could speak calmly.

"V-Vic...he's- I think, no, I'm pretty sure he's going after the guy who, uh..." I was stuttering so much on my words and now I was finding it difficult to breathe.

"Craig?" Beau asked. I nodded quickly. "You know Vic will probably kill him, right?"

"No fucking shit! That's why I have to find him and stop him." I said.

"You know he left like an hour ago. If he was going to do something then he would have done it by now." He said.

"Beau, please! I need to find him." I said desperately. He looked hesitant but finally nodded.

"Okay fine, we'll go." He said.

"No, you don't need to. I just need your keys." I said, holding my hand out for the keys.

"This Craig guy sounds dangerous and you're a pipsqueak. I'm not letting you go out there without some sort of back up." He said. I guess he was right. As much as I didn't like Beau, he was all I had right now since the others weren't here.

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