CHAPTER 5: Kaminari Denki

Start from the beginning

The girl was sitting on a pile of delivery boxes, legs crossed. It was her favorite spot to sit on in the hideout, even though Kurogiri constantly tells her to get off and use a chair.

"You should have kept it that way. I'm supposed to be the one changing into other people, not you," she said with a sigh, "And I thought I was the special one in the group. You're just a copycat and you're stealing my quirk." But I just grinned, then trotted towards the pretty blonde schoolgirl.

"I'm not stealing, Himiko," I said drily.

"Are, too! Copycat," she whined like a little girl. Then, before she even knew it, my hand was cupped around her cheek and twirling her hair lovingly. Twice was furious and was shouting at me to stay away from her but I ignored the jealous brat.

"I would never steal from you, Himiko," I cooed, "Besides, it's better this way isn't it? Now, we have matching abilities, just like our matching love for each other! ❤️" I leaned in for a kiss but Toga slapped my hand away from her face annoyingly. She gave me a pure look of disgust, which, honestly, kinda hurt. Shigaraki Tomura groaned and went for the door. Kurogiri asked where he was going.

"This is stupid. I'm going to get some food." he said. He added, "For myself." The door slammed behind them.

Toga hopped off the pile of boxes. I smirked.

"You cannot hide the truth from me forever, Himiko" I said sternly, "Why don't you just admit you're in love with me?"

"The only person I love is Stainy. And Ochako. And boys that are all bruised and beat up, like—like Izuku!" she swooned and blushed as she put her hands on her red cheeks. Ugh, gross, this was already not going the direction I wanted. If she weren't so pretty, I would have damaged her poor little body until she confessed to me. But that wouldn't be very fun. Instead, I held in my anger and took one of her hands from behind, intertwining my fingers with hers.

"Come on! Don't be like that, love. What am I doing wrong?" I said, trying to sound sad. "I'm powerful, and I'm handsome, and I'd like to say I'm quite successful. I could give a girl anything she wants, I could give you whatever you desire." My face inched closer to hers, "Now, darling. Tell me what you desire. What do you want? Blood? I can get you blood. Plenty of blood. Hell, I could even get you organs. I get that stuff delivered to me like online food services." Some of the villains in the room shivered, "So...what do you say, dear?" I rested my chin on her shoulder comfortably and waited for a response

She glowered at me and rolled her eyes.

"You're booooring, and totally not my type," she retorted. Then she stuck out her tongue at me and said, " I will never fall for someone like you. Now if you'll excuse me..." She released her hands from his and yawned, "I'm going to sleep."

"Yeah! You heard her!" Twice yelled, "You ain't her type! Also—sweet dreams, Toga!~"

Kaminari smirked again as she went for the upper staircase and left fading footsteps behind her. Immediately after her disappearance, Twice jabbed a finger at Kaminari.

"You're always trying to flirt with her like that! When will you learn your lesson? She doesn't like you the way you will like her!" he protested, secretly jealous of his courage. I got up and rubbed my neck.

"Playing hard to get, isn't she? Beautiful and aggressive, as always" I said, as if not hearing Twice's protests, "Well it doesn't matter. One day, she'll realize her true feelings and fall head over heels in love with me. I'll make sure it happens." I laughed, ignoring the familiarity of the feeling. The feeling of wanting to get a certain girl's attention no matter what it took. I shook away the feeling reluctantly. 

Spinner scratched the back of his head.

"Good grief. By the way, Thunderstroke," he said.

Thunderstroke was the villain name I chose for myself. Pretty sick, don't you agree? Way better than that stupid, fake hero name I was stuck with: Chargebolt.

"What, Spinner?" I asked.

"Didn't you have a thing for another chick back at U.A.?" asked Spinner, "What was her name again..." I flinched.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I lied.

"Don't give me that! You remember her, don't you? You two were always together," said Spinner, "She was...The musical one! Kyoka—" Spinner ducked his head just in time as a flying, charged disk headed his way. Instead of hitting Spinners' head, it clashed with the wall and made a large hole in the brick. Spinner sweated and looked back at me, who was, at this moment, very pissed.

"Shut the fuck up. Don't talk to me about my past, or U.A," I growled, "None of that was ever real—it was just a pretend game. Whatever memories I had there are long gone, and whatever feelings I may have established has dissipated to dust." I inched closer to Spinner, who groaned as I grabbed his neck, ready to strike at any second with my lightning.

"You talk to me about my past one more time, and I will erase you from my—no—all of existence's memories. You got that?" When Spinner quickly nodded, I dropped him. 

I scoffed and stomped towards my bedroom, not bothering to catch Magne and Twice helping Spinner up. 

But as I walked, remembering the fateful encounter I made with Todoroki, a sudden idea hit me hard. Wait a second....Oooh....yes. This was splendid. How splendid! Why did I not think of this before? I'm such a fool! Yes! This will be perfect!

The boy giggled again as he opened the door to his bedroom and collapsed onto his bed. He was unable to decelerate the pounding in his chest as he thought about how much fun he is going to have the next day. 

Tomorrow is going to be another fantastic day.

Hey, just finished Chapter 5. I've been wanting to release it for a while now BUUUUUUUUT I just kept changing things lol. 

Also, I recently got into this anime called Danganronpa, so if you've watched it before, you may or may not have picked up Danganronpa vibes from this chapter. That anime gives me so much inspiration LMAO.

K SO, LET ME EXPLAIN the chemistry between Kaminari and Toga in this story before ya'll go "WTF THIS IS A SHIP?!" They haven't interacted AT ALL in the anime, yes, but Kaminari still wishes to prove his loyalty to the League of Villains, and show that he really has committed to it, so one of his ways of proving is getting a girlfriend IN the League, and convince everybody, including his classmates, that he has chosen his side. Toga is the only girl in the League sooooooooooooooo yeah.

BOOM! EXPLAINED! Now don't attack me, I don't actually ship them lol.

I'm kind of disappointed with this chapter but it's the best I can come up with.

Sorry for the late update! Stay tuned!

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