CHAPTER 5: Kaminari Denki

Start from the beginning

I pressed a deactivation switch on my watch, and the nurse illusion wore off. I was back to my normal, handsome self, with my costume on. 

 "Disguised, not dressed, Tomura," I said as I made my way to the hideout.

Soon enough, I was standing in front of the Tara. I suppose I should explain this part. Tara is the name of the DNA machine installed for the security of our secret hideout. It looks like a small podium. We place one hand on the top of the podium, and it will commence scanning. It will scan our DNA and our blood fully, and if the system recognizes the data collected, the door will let us through. If unrecognized...well...we'll just say that trespassers will be turned into swiss cheese.

Who invented this beautiful device, you ask? None other than I, Kaminari Denkiiiiii!!!

The scanner recognized the data and the door swung open. I slowly marched into the dark room and stopped when all of my comrades' faces were visible. 


They were all either sitting down or leaning against the brick wall. 

I greeted all of them with a small, friendly wave. Magne scoffed, Mr. Compress tipped his hat, Twice said nothing, and Spinner nodded.

"The atmosphere is really dead in here," I said, placing my hands on my hips, "Get a little lively once in a while, eh?" But the villains, unfortunately, didn't respond. After a pregnant pause, Spinner finally lifted his head spoke up.

"You missed the meeting, you know," he said. I tilted my head in confusion. Then it hit me.

"Ohhh! The meeting!" I slapped my forehead in realization, laughing to myself, "No wonder Tomura seemed so angry at me today! Whoopsies! Fill me in?" I stuck my tongue out in embarrassment, but the villains were used to this routine and they knew it very well. Oh, you know, I would always go and have my own fun outside whenever a meeting was held in the hideout. It's not a coincidence—I do this by choice. I hate gatherings. They're all about planning, and analyzing, and discussions involving what to do next, and I find all that shit pointless. Life is created for enjoyment, so why waste my time analyzing data when it's way more fun to make stuff up in the moment? Well, it's not like they didn't know I felt this way. After all, I've tried to persuade them many times.

Magne pinched her nose and waved her hand in disgust.

"Geez, you smell. Where the hell have you been? The dumpsters?" she snarled. She sniffed again, "Wait, is that...ash?"

I grinned from ear to ear, remembering the beautiful, tragic event that had occurred not too long ago. Magne cringed.

"I just had the most fun!" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement. Mr. Compress scoffed.

"In that case, I don't want to hear it," he said, "Your stories are always about your immature disguises and irrelevant discoveries about life." I pouted at the words "irrelevant" and "immature. What is that supposed to mean?

"Yeah! And who knew you could do more than just lightning stuff?" said Twice, "Makes me kinda jealous. No, I'm not jealous!" he clutched his head, letting the two voices inside his head take over his speech.

Toga Himiko scowled. All eyes were on her. Toga is a petite, fair-skinned schoolgirl with slightly inward-tilting eyes. Her hair is a cute, pale, dirty ash blonde and is styled into two messy buns, numerous wild strands sticking out at all areas. In my own eyes, she was simply stunning from every single angle. In case you didn't know, this gorgeous mortal was also going to be my future girlfriend.

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