Clouded Purity - Chapter 19

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Still others stood behind the Masters. Grim, Veil, Kaeral—lacking his sword—and Sharis all occupied this space, along with all other humans and Fedain staying at the Temple who wished to witness the trial. Prism avoided looking at Grim but could feel his anxiety. This could be the last time they saw each other, but he determined not to let that happen.

Prism strode through initiates, down the single aisle left between them, straight to the center of the open space before the Senior Masters. He knelt calmly, tucking his feet beneath him with practiced precision, his posture exact and proper.

Master Jovun occupied his usual space at the head of the council and began the trial as soon as Prism had settled. "This special court has been called regarding charges leveled against Junior Master Prism regarding a breach of his oaths," he read from the paper in front of him, then set it aside and looked at Prism, his eyes narrowing. "In the absence of Grandmaster Valkean, who has left for Kobinaru, I, Jovun Belgard, will preside."

He picked up a second paper and read aloud, "Master Prism, Sharis, aide and tutor to Lord Grimfaeth of Tehir, heir to the Duchy of Tehir, has accused you of violating the fourth oath. He asserts that you have engaged in sexual relations with Lord Grimfaeth, which is also a violation of Ultakan human law. How do you plead?"

"I am guilty of relations with Lord Grimfaeth, but I do not believe I am in violation of the fourth oath," Prism replied. Gasps rippled through the room at his admission, and each of the five Masters on the council regarded him with surprise.

Of all the faces in the room, only three showed something other than astonishment. Master Vinh had a soft smile, and he gave Prism a barely perceptible nod. Kaeral grinned like an idiot, and Prism almost smiled in return at the encouragement from his friend's smile. Almost, because Grim was neither surprised nor encouraging, and his eyes betrayed his anxiety just as surely as the link did.

"You admit freely to your relationship, which carries a penalty of death in the human courts?" Master Jovun asked.

"Yes, Master Jovun," Prism replied, bowing slightly. "While I have hidden this part of myself in the past, I no longer wish to remain in the shadows. In my homeland, the Dorram, such relations are not illegal, nor even greatly discouraged. Living here, within sight of Kobinaru, has made me hide this side of my nature."

"I understand, Master Prism," Master Jovun said. "There is some question about the criminality of your act as it stands, though the foremost inquiry of this court is to establish your adherence to the oaths."

"The reason behind my confession to the crime of relations with Lord Grimfaeth, is to assure this court that my answers will be honest and complete. I understand Fedain law protects Grim from any repercussions from my actions?" Prism asked.

"That is correct. He has not been accused of any wrongdoing as the current laws stand in this country," Master Jovun stated.

Veil stepped to the backs of the Masters in front of her and addressed the council "And what of those current laws, Master Jovun?"

"Duchess Veillynn?" Master Jovun said. "While we have afforded you some measure of autonomy regarding your stay here, you are interrupting official court business."

"This court is no longer valid to officiate in Ultakan Law," Veil stated.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Sharis said, stepping to Veil's side, voicing in anger the question which rested in the calm eyes of each Master.

"While I regret to be the one to make this declaration, the rebels have declared that Ultakan Law is no longer in order," Veil said, ignoring Sharis and speaking to the council. "As they are now the recognized authority in Ultaka, and the monarchy has been deposed, there is no sense for this court to rule according to Ultakan law, whether Fedain or Human law."

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