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It seems the past always has it ways of merging itself with the present. Even to the extent of going into the future. No matter how hard one tried to bury it,it always has it way of resurrecting. John Wayne had been right when he said life was hard. Its even harder when you're stupid. Zayne was stupid to think she loved him back. It was his brother not him. Yet,she couldn't blame him. After all she'd started the whole drama. This stupid revenge. And how could she make him understand he wasn't the one she'd meant everything for. He just blatantly declared his love for her and all she could do was stare. The heavens aid her. Couldn't the day just be over.

Aliya's eye caught Brandon and Suri excuse themselves. Darn. She thought Zayne was nearing his doom. It seems tables have turned,times have changed. What a world. Nothing seems to last forever. Aliya Stone had nothing to say to him. Some part if her didn't want to apportion all the blame on herself. After all it was Mr Lanphier's fault as much as Hussain's. But funny enough both were dead and she very well knew the dead will never wake up to defend themselves. She was certainly done for.

"Aliya",Zayne called out when no one broke the silence. His eyes never leaving her the whole time.
She ignored him and went to sit on the bench. He followed suit.
"Listen",she spoke up.
" I know you're going to say its been my brother all this while not me but you still can't stop what I feel for you. You can't tell me to stop loving you because I can't".
"It can't be reciprocated Zayne. That is what I'm trying to explain to you all.... .", he cut her. Even today as much as she hated that,she didn't think she had the energy to argue with him.
"Then allow me to teach you. Let me love you. I....."
"When Stone's fall in love it is for life", Zayne passed his hands through his hair.
"I've loved your brother. And I'll love him even in death. I'm sorry Zayne you had to get messed up in everything",he sighed.
" Can you deny never wanting me? Did I  never cross your mind? Tell me Aliya", he asked.
" Its not about wanting you Zayne".
"Can you deny that when I neared you,you felt nothing. That the hairs on your neck didn't shot up. You gave yourself to me Aliya. Not my brother".
"Hussain and I never got the chance to come close to each other because he threw me out of the house on our wedding night".
"You still allowed me to come that close to you. That's what is important. You still think I mean nothing to you? I'm I not even important a little?"
"Zayne,there are two great people in a person's life. One that can make him laugh and the other that can make him cry. If he can manage both then he becomes the greatest of all. Fortunately Hussain managed to do both without lifting a finger. Sex means nothing more than physical contact. Nothing compared to love",Aliya wiped her clammy fingers against her jeans.

Zayne leaned closer to her on the bench,took her left hand in his and placed a soft kiss on her knuckles. Aliya flinched,dragged air into her lungs and pulled her hand away. One kiss that could turn her normal brain to  something entirely different.
" I know you want me as much as I do. I just have to show to love me that much. Let me in sweetheart",he tried to take Aliya's hand in his again but she quickly stood up.
"You'll have to stop this Zayne. This.....this is absurd. What you're pursuing shouldn't be pursued. It is your brother that I love not you. As much as it hurt  I still do and I guess till eternity I will. Get that into your thick skull. Please",the last part came out as a sort of whisper.
Zayne felt frustration wash over him as he watched her walk away.
She wanted him to understand it is his brother she loves but how could he also make her understand that she has been in love with Zayne all along. And that Zayne was him. How could he make her understand that Hussain  did not only use his name but everything about him.

_The saddest thing is to be a minute to someone when you've made them your eternity.


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