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Sleep had eventually when he couldn't find the answers to his questions, he finally awoke to see her bent over her papers working on the finances of her company.
When he heard of that he wondered how she coped with being the CEO and managing the financial department.
She had enough money to hire as many accountants as she wanted but she didn't.

Darn,the woman was a mystery.
And that little scene before they boarded her jet. How angry she had gotten at her father,no husband. Fuck just Brandon.
That was who she claimed he was to her. Just Brandon. Even though the weather had been wintry from the snow that had snowed earlier in the day he could swear he felt the heat that had radiated from her.
And when Brandon had hugged her and called her hunny.
A flare of possessiveness had flared in him.
He had wanted to punch the old hag.

And  when he had made mention of peace. Her deep throaty laugh then her anger.
Her aquamarine eyes had turned smoky almost black. But for fuck sake if she didn't need peace, thought it didn't exist. If only hatred and anger filled her world then she should allow a little bit of peace to those around her
How he needed that right now.
Why couldn't this be a win win situation.

Zayne shifted in his seat and looked at her. She seemed drowned in her work,hunched over her papers.

Adding and subtracting sums, tallying data and corresponding amounts. He admired how she held the pencil between her well manicured fingers.
Long,slender and beautiful.
Her efficiency of topmost quality.
From the looks of it, Aliya Stone the woman whose heart was as black as her clothes was a financial boffin.

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