Chapter Seven

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' So this is the place you said is fun? ' Doyoung asks Winwin while standing, questioning his life in front of house with a bunch of kids chasing each other. He shoots Winwin with a glare. Kids are literally his nightmare, especially those hyper ones. He does know where they get the energy from.

Winwin gives Doyoung a apologetic laugh. He clings to Doyoung and begs him. ' Just one day. We're short of people to take care of them. ' Winwin says. He wiggles his head cutely in front of Doyoung.

' You are a daycare teacher? How? You can't even take care of yourself. ' Doyoung pushes Winwin's face away from him. ' Stop acting cute. You disgust me. '

' Please~ ' Winwin whines cutely. Doyoung rolls his eyes then let out a sigh. Winwin smiles in victory when he notices Doyoung gives in. ' So let's go inside? 'Winwin raises his left eyebrow and Doyoung nods unwillingly.

' Mr Dong~~!! ' They are greeted by different high pitch voices once they entered the house. A bunch of kids run to hug Winwin's leg. Winwin tries so hard to keep his balance. ' Mr Dong, who is he? ' a girl points at Doyoung.

' Ah, he is here to take care of you guys today. ' Winwin answers while trying to pull out everyone's hand from his legs. Winwin elbows Doyoung's arm and gestures Doyoung to introduce himself.

Doyoung rolls his eyes and introduces himself with a lazy voice. ' Kids, I'm Mr Kim. '

' Eyy~ he is so boring. ' a boy murmurs but it's loud to be heard by Doyoung. Doyoung shoots him a glare and the boy gulps. ' Mr Dong, come and play with me. ' the boy pulls Winwin's hand and the rest follow, ignoring Doyoung.

' Ok ok. ' Winwin moans in pain as the kids are giving him no mercy. ' Doyoung,  go in to the office there. Mrs Kang will explain everything. ' Winwin says before he is engulfed by the group of kids.

Doyoung shakes his head in fear after seeing those hyper kids. He sighs and walks into the office where Winwin told him. An old lady welcomes him when he knocks the doors. ' You must be Doyoung, right? Winwin told me about you. ' The old lady offers Doyoung a seat. ' A worker cannot make it today. Winwin and I are not enough to handle those children. Therefore, we have to ask for your help. ' The old lady says. ' Of course, you will be paid. Can you help us? ' she adds.

Doyoung shrugs his shoulder. ' Well, I cannot say no after seeing Winwin struggling with those monsters. ' Doyoung says and the old lady laughs at Doyoung calling the kid monsters. ' But I have to tell you. I'm not good with kids. They may cry because of me. ' Doyoung smirks playfully.

The old lady smiles. ' I trust Winwin. Winwin told me you are a sweet guy and a good cooker. ' She speaks. ' You can help with the cooking and just look after the children. Just make sure they're not injured. ' She adds.

' Okay, that's the deal. ' Doyoung says while clapping his hand one time. The old lady smiles in reply and sends him out. When they walk out, Doyoung sees a boy is left out while the others are playing with Winwin. The boy is sitting alone in the corner, playing with his fingers. ' Who is the kid? ' Doyoung is interested in the quiet boy.

The old lady squeezes her eyes to get a clearer view. ' Oh, he is Lee Donghyuck. He likes to be alone, he doesn't like to play with the others. ' The old lady replies. Doyoung tilts his head in confusion. Why a kid likes to stay away from the others? ' Maybe he used to it? His mother is dead and he actually witnessed his mother's accident. ' the old lady seems to read Doyoung's mind.

Doyoung's heart turns soft after he heard Donghyuck's tragedy. Doyoung walks toward him and sit beside Donghyuck. However, he is treated by Donghyuck's harsh behavior.

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