Chapter Four

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Doyoung sighs in exhaustion when he got back home. He had been traveling around Seoul today. He missed Korea after all. Things actually never change too much in two years, just there are few of new opened shops. Doyoung had enjoyed his time alone very much today.

' You came back? ' Johnny comes out from the kitchen with an apron on. Doyoung nods and walks toward the dining room. He saw two plates of steak are displayed on the table and the dining room is lighted only with candles. The atmosphere is kinda romantic.

' What is this for? ' Doyoung tilts his head in confusion.

' A welcome dinner for you. ' Johnny answers with a big smile. ' By the way, it's only two of us. Everyone is busy. ' Johnny adds.

Doyoung nods and sits down while Johnny sits on Doyoung's right side. He takes out his apron and puts on the table which is on his right side.

' So do you like this house so far? ' Johnny asks while Doyoung just replies with a nod. ' I mean your ex is here though. ' Johnny says. Doyoung stops eating and stares at Johnny. How did Johnny knows about him and Jaehyun? Did Jaehyun tell him? But Jaehyun is not kind of person who tell people his story.

' You know about that? ' Doyoung asks in panicked tone.

' I recognize you. ' Johnny takes a bite of his steak. ' Two years ago, I met a drunk Jaehyun at a bar. He was so depressed about his breakup and he had nowhere to go. His landlady kicked him out because he gets drunk everyday and the neighbors there were afraid of him. He is so loud when he gets drunk. ' Johnny explains.

' And there he told me everything about you guys. He showed me a picture of you and him. ' Johnny adds.

Doyoung grips his fork tightly as he is hurt when hearing Jaehyun was being so lifeless because of him. ' Did he really sad back then? ' Doyoung could only ask.

' Really sad. ' Johnny sighs. Doyoung bites his lower lip as tears are creeping into his eyes. The imagination of Jaehyun being miserable stabs his heart. Johnny holds up his hand when he sees tears are slowly falling down from Doyoung's eyes. Johnny smiles a bit and helps to wipe away Doyoung's tear with his thumb. ' Why did you left him? ' Johnny asks.

Doyoung slowly looks up into Johnny's eyes. Maybe the atmosphere is a bit of comforting or is just Johnny looks like someone he can trust, Doyoung feels the urge to tell Johnny something about himself. ' I went to Canada after breaking up with him for personal issue. ' Doyoung explains.

Johnny rests his head on his palm. ' Do you want to talk about the personal issue? ' Johnny tries to fish more informations from Doyoung. Doyoung shakes his head. Right now is not the time for him to talk about his depression. Johnny pouts sadly. ' Then, do you regret breaking up with Jaehyun? I mean why your issue lead to your breakup with Jaehyun? ' Johnny touches his apron and asks.

Doyoung smile miserably when he heard the word, regret. Doyoung sighs and ruffles his hair. ' Yes, I'm regret. ' Doyoung answers.

Johnny raised his eyebrow happily and then he is shocked when Doyoung continues.

' I regret accepting Jaehyun's confession. I shouldn't have be his boyfriend. ' Doyoung says.

' What? ' Johnny drops his jaw. This is not what he expects to hear from Doyoung.

' I never love Jaehyun as his lover. I like him as a friend. I only accept to be his boyfriend because I don't want to hurt his feeling but in the end, he still hurt. ' Doyoung explains.

Johnny who still in shock, just staring at Doyoung and then glances at the apron. Doyoung narrows his eyebrow when he saw Johnny keep glancing at the apron. ' Is the apron that distracting? ' Doyoung stands up and grabs the apron.

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