Chapter Three

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Doyoung wakes up as he feels his dry throat. He checks the time on his phone. 10.30 p.m. I had been sleeping for six hours. Doyoung gets up from his bed and simply changes his clothes because of his sweat. He decides to head to kitchen for some water. As he walks down the stairs, he hears some voices from living room. He takes a cup of water from the kitchen and walks toward the living room. He sees four men watching a movie.

' Doyoung! ' Taeyong notices Doyoung's head popping out from the wall. Everyone turns to look at Doyoung. Doyoung wears an oversized white hoodie and his sweater paws is making him cuter. This used to be Jaehyun's favorite look of Doyoung. Well, still his.

' So you're Doyoung. ' the tallest guy stands up from the sofa. ' I'm Johnny. ' he adds.

Doyoung smiles in polite and introduces himself.

' Sit here. Let's watch movie together. ' Taeyong pats on the sofa. Doyoung sighs secretly and slowly sits between Taeyong and Jaehyun. ' Here, eat this. You skipped dinner. ' Taeyong hands a bag of chips to Doyoung.

Doyoung feels uncomfortable with Jaehyun besides him. Hence, he can't focus on the movie until there's a jump scare with a sudden appearance of a monster. His shoulders jumps in scare.

The four men notice Doyoung's reaction and chuckle quietly. They find him cute, especially with the oversized hoodie. Jaehyun quickly pulls a blank expression on his face when he realizes he was smiling.

' You don't like horror movie? ' Taeyong leans toward Doyoung and whispers. Doyoung nods. ' You really look like a bunny though.' Taeyong teases. ' You can take my shoulder if you want. ' Taeyong says while nudging Doyoung's arm.

Doyoung hesitates for a while then hides his eyes from the movie at Taeyong's back. Maybe the effect of sleeping pills has not disappear or it's just too comfortable being at the back of Taeyong, Doyoung falls asleep within five minutes.


' Guys, he's sleeping. ' Taeyong says when the movie is over. He does not dare to move as he's afraid he'll wake Doyoung up.

' He's a sleepyhead. ' Winwin laughed.

' I'll carr- ' Jaehyun is cut off by Johnny.

' I'll carry him up to his room since I'm the strongest here. ' Johnny stands up from the sofa and walks toward Doyoung. Taeyong slowly leads Doyoung on Johnny's back when he sees Johnny squats down.

' Be careful. ' Taeyong says when Johnny slowly walks on the stairs.

Johnny switches on the light when he reaches Doyoung's room. He checks Doyoung to see if he will wake up with lights on. Well, he does not move an inch. Johnny slowly places Doyoung on the bed and notices Doyoung's right sleeve is fold up. When he tries to roll down the sleeve, he sees a scar on Doyoung's wrist. It's like something cut his wrist before. The cut looks deep. Johnny narrows his eyebrows in confusion. Then, he sees a bottle of sleeping pills on the table.

He's using this?

Johnny then covers Doyoung with blanket and slowly walks out of this room. He actually kinda worries about his new housemate.


The next morning, Doyoung went to kitchen for breakfast. Taeyong is preparing food for everyone while Johnny is making coffee.

' Morning. ' Doyoung yawns while scratching his front chest.

Johnny nods in reply. ' Are you cold? Why wearing a hoodie? ' Johnny asks.

Doyoung touches his right wrist when he heard Johnny. ' I prefer wearing long sleeve clothes. ' Doyoung answers.

Johnny who notices Doyoung's action, just smiles in reply.

Winwin and Jaehyun come in kitchen at the same time as Taeyong finished preparing. They sit down in a circle.

' Do you have a job here? You just came back from Canada. ' Winwin asks Doyoung.

' I'll look for it in the future. Right now, I still have some savings. I'm just gonna rest. ' Doyoung answers.

He's a homebody. Jaehyun says in his mind. He is eating slower than usual. Jaehyun always the first one who finish his food but right now he is slower than everyone. It's like he is following Doyoung's pace. Doyoung is a slow eater after all.

' You're slow today. ' Winwin says when he notices Jaehyun's slowness since everyone is cleaning except Jaehyun and Doyoung.

' Good bye. '

Johnny, Taeyong and Winwin go out for jobs, leaving Doyoung and Jaehyun in the kitchen.

Say something, dumbass.

Jaehyun scolds himself in his mind. They both are still eating in the kitchen, not talking to each other which making the situation really awkward. Jaehyun always wanted to talk to Doyoung, he really want explanation from Doyoung. He really desperate for the reason of their breakup. Did he do something wrong that made Doyoung left him? He keeps thinking this for two years. And right now, he has a chance to ask but Doyoung is keeping his mouth shut.

' I'll leave. ' Doyoung suddenly speaks but that's not what Jaehyun wants to hear from him. ' I know you hate seeing  me but I have a three months contract. So I'll leave when the contract ends. ' Doyoung adds.

Jaehyun drops his spoon on the table as well as his heart. Jaehyun ruffles his hair in frustration. Why is Doyoung saying that he hates seeing him. Where did the logic comes from? He will never hate Doyoung. Inside his heart, Jaehyun knows there's always a place for Doyoung even though he left him for two years. Jaehyun hates his feeling toward Doyoung. However, he can't help but still loving the selfish dude. After two years of Doyoung's disappearance, he still can't seem to hate Doyoung. Jaehyun is just hurt. Jaehyun is happy seeing Doyoung is back but hates seeing Doyoung being such a stranger to him. Besides, Jaehyun will never forget how Doyoung broke up with him just through only a text and went missing. Jaehyun wants to know why so that he can make up with Doyoung and get back together. However, Doyoung is pushing him away.

' Kim Doyoung. You're selfish. ' Jaehyun stands up and grabs his bag. He's leaving for his work now, he is not in mood to talk to Doyoung. He does not want to hear any hurtful words from Doyoung anymore.

' Do you still have feeling for me? ' Doyoung's words freezes Jaehyun. Jaehyun gulps. He turns to Doyoung and chuckles sarcastically.

' Do you think i still love an asshole who only thinks about himself? Doyoung, I'm not that pathetic. ' Jaehyun lies then walks away.

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