Cha 44: Little sister

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"Taking custody of her means adopting her right" Izuku asked trying to contain his bounciness

Aizawa sighed and just patted his head. Now he has two kids. Or twenty two counting the other rambunctious idiots of his class

"Eri last name will become Aizawa. We are going to try and rehabilitate her back into society" Aizawa said and opened the door to where Eri was

She was looking out the window as though she was in a trance

"Hey there Eri" Izuku called

"Deku-san..." Eri said looking at the two that entered the room

"Zawa-san too..." She said noticing Aizawa

"We have decided Eri, you'll be staying with me. Is that okay with you" Aizawa told her

She looked kinda sad. This confused them.

"Can I visit Deku-san" she asked with tears in her eyes

Izuku's balled up hand landed in his open palm finally noticing something

"Eri-chan we never fully introduced ourselves now have we..." Eri shook her head

"I'm Aizawa Shota, your new guardian" Aizawa introduced

"And I'm Aizawa Izuku, your new brother in other words you'll be living with the both of us" with his big bright smile he assured the little girl.

Eri let out tears because she was happy. She finally found people that would care for her. And were not afraid to be around her because of her quirk

Well now Mic has no room because the room now belongs to Eri. Izuku made a list of things to get for Eri while out getting camp supplies

The room would need to be decorated to fit with her liking.

He then realized something. The menu will have to change to something healthier. Eri can't go looking like these two.

They used Izuku's old clothes for her since they weren't able to buy new ones yet. Izuku was kinda irritated. Was he this small when he was eight cause his clothes fit Eri perfectly and she's six

"You were really short for your age group, be glad my training helped you grow" Aizawa told him

"I'm still one of the shorter guys in class"

"You have no right, its Tokoyami that should be complaining" That is true since some of the girls are taller than him

"Speaking of him they should be here about now" Izuku said

Its a Thursday and it was time for another challenge. And with that the door bell rang

Eri sat on the coach looking out to the door when it rang. Izuku came quickly and opened it

That was when they started filling in. The whole class. Aizawa was contemplating moving to another neighborhood

"What's Everyone doing her!?" Izuku almost shouted out

"We heard about your new little sister so we all came to say hi, kero" As ui said with a smile

"Sorry Deku, we couldn't stop them" Uraraka apologized

"Eh who cares we brought gifts!" Mina called out and lifted bags

"Some of them are hand-me-downs though" Jirou stated

"We heard everything from Yamada sensei and was preparing the whole week" Todoroki explained

"So where is she?" Asked Yaoyorozu

Izuku turned his head to the sofa and that was were the little girl sat somewhat confused

Asui was the first to approach her.

"You must be Eri-chan, I'm Asui Tsuyu but call me Tsu-chan if you can. I brought you these..." From the bag she pulled a fluffy stuffed cat and bunny

Eri felt the dolls and they felt as though it had melted into her embrace. It was so soft she loved it but didn't know how to show it

And from there the gift giving began

Momo made a Deku plushie for her. Much like how she made an Uraraka plushie for him

With all the activities and the trip back home Eri started to fill tired a single yawn was all it needed to trigger Dadzawa mode.

"Okay its time for bed for you" he said gently picking her up and laying her head on his shoulder

The class except Izuku was dumbstruck

"Wow sensei who knew you could be so gentle" Ashido commented with a smile

"Thats a man right there" Kirishima exclaimed proudly, feeling lucky he has a teacher like him

All saying he would make an amazing dad

Izuku be like..... 'I was his first kid, you know?'

"Aizawa sensei we can help you if you like, I don't think you have experience with little girls Kero"Asui offered

Aizawa was so lucky to have a student like her.

Thoughtful and blunt whose words will cut deep.

"Nye, nye, nye, don't you mean little kids in general" Kaminari asked

"Well that picture on the wall says other wise" Everyone turned to the wall and right there was a picture of an eight year old Izuku too small for his age sitting on his dad's shoulders with a big bright smile

Another one with Him and his dad sleeping side by side on the floor. A giant caterpillar next to a small one.

"HELL NO!!!!" Izuku said running to the wall trying his best to hide the pictures

"The photo albums are on the top shelf" Aizawa told the girls and with that they grabbed it trampling over the greenete

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