Round 1 results - Horror/Paranormal/Thriller

194 16 14

Heyo! Another set of results is here! 

The below-mentioned books move on to the next round, Round 2 where the Top 6 will be picked to move on to the final Round 3.

A note to the participants, you guys are ALL excellent writers. So don't be disheartened if you don't see your name up here. I'm adding a short review of each selected book so that aspiring writers can know what makes a judge tick. 

For those who did make it, congratulations! See you in the next round.

A huge thank you to our judges, BlueStorme , Cra-Zay and lenonxay for judging these books!

Judges, you will be reassigned new books for Round 2 (of course). So if you judged this genre, and wish to do it again, PLEASE comment below.

Here we go!

1) Loving Minuet - growingupinsane

Score: 50/50

Review : Amazingly perfect. 

2) Infection - Coikoy84

Score: 49/50

Review: The cover could be slightly better, but other than that - brilliant. 

3) Ghost Music: The haunting of sky hollow - ShadowMaven

Score: 40/40 (no dialogue) 

Review: The writing style is amazing and poetic. Lovely book.

4) I am no one but a nameless soul here - jgrace2197

Score: 47/50

Review: The cover and blurb could use a little work, but the introduction was compelling and hooked us from the start. 

5) They Know me - MaddieBrinn

Score: 47/50

Review: Very good! It makes for a very exciting read with a beautiful fantastic cover and title.

6) Bush Baby - daweirdnigerianB

Score: 44/50 

Review: While the summary of the book and the dialogues between characters could use some work, the book has nice grammar and a decently interesting intro.

7) Fragments of Fate - sarah3534

Score: 41/50

Review: The blurb and cover use some work to capture the attention of readers, and the intro could be a little more interesting to hook the readers, but overall a good start to a book.

8)The Hash Marked Girl - OkMeghan

Score: 41/50

Review: The dialogues can be made more crisp and relatable, and the diction can be improved. But with near-perfect grammar, it is a good read and one where we're interested to see what happens!

9) The Call of Death - _sab_che_

Score: 40/50

Review: The blurb and diction could use some improvement, and the characters can be made more realistic and descriptive. But, the introduction was written well and with good grammar.

10) Psychic Detective Team - frappucchinocafe

Score: 38.5/50

Review: Thrilling story with an amazing hook and cover.

11) An Eye for an eye - TheSADRiter

Score: 38/50

Review: The intro is really eye-catching but as you read more of it the story becomes somewhat generic and can be spiced up and changed to provide more authenticity.

12) Almost Gone - sky_is_limit

Score: 37/50

Review: We feel that the characters and their dialogues could use more work but it was overall a good start to the story, with great grammar and diction.

And that's it!

We're trying our best to hurriedly post the remaining results as well, so have a little patience please! *wipes the sweat off forehead*

Congrats to all the selected entries! Get ready for Round 2!

-Team Writers' Choice 

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