Meet the Judges!

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Hello Judges and Participants! 

Thank you to everyone who has participated so far(and those who will be arriving in the future as well). We look forward to getting to know each and every one of you! 

 We look forward to getting to know each and every one of you! 

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Below is the list (tentative) of the judges for ROUND 1 ONLY. Further round's rules and judges will be displayed later. 

For the Judges:
As a thank you, the judges will get a unique sticker courtesy of the Awards committee that they can display on their books or profiles if they like. Each judge will be given a follow from this account and a free read on the first 5 chapters of a book of their choice. All the judges will be given a shoutout from this account for their help in making the awards a (possible) success.

If we like your working style, you will even be given a chance to be a part of the next iteration of these Awards. 

Now onto the distribution of judges! 

Note: The number of entries will be split EQUALLY between the judges. Some categories have more entries but the process will remain the same including the number of rounds. Each judge will be required to read their assigned books, rate them on a scale that will be given and the books passing the cutoff mark will move on to the next round. 

Judges for Fantasy

1. __aena13

2. Wolf_Pup101

Judges for Romance: 

1.  LuliWrites

2. ramyam2000

3. GoddessV

Judges for Mystery/Action/Adventure:

1. HotChoclateCreme

2. overly_thinking

3. kmmmcekd

Judges for Fanfiction/Anime: 

NOTE: Fanfiction and Anime categories have been combined due to lack of entries! Judging process, however, will remain the same. 

1.  stela28

2.  writingcolourless

3. shardapathak

Judges for Poetry: 

1. bidiyakdamian

2. Complexity_

3. -shadesofblue

Judges for Chick-Lit: 

1. 5sosxruel

2. Word_Sailor

3. WriterAEF

Judges for General Fiction/Random:

1. Asriel_Dreemurr2

2. Nova_Zura

3. Amy251117

Judges for Teen Fiction/Young Adult: 

1. awkwardteenish

2. crime_essence

3. PrincessParis82

Judges for Short Story: 

1.  emtheadvocate

2. Overtaken by 

3. QeenieN

Judges for Horror/Paranormal/Thriller:

1. lenonxay

2. Bluestorme

3. Cra-Zay

Judges for Historical Fiction:

1. heydoctoryehet

OVERALL Award Judges: (DM for any questions you peeps might have) 

1. sky_is_limit

2. madessenella456

3. PretentiousWaffle

And there you have it! Our amazing team of judges. Participants for each category will be split amongst the judges.

Note: Due to lack of entries, the Non-Fiction category will be removed. Historical Fiction may or may not be combined with General Fiction/Random depending on the number of entries. 

Judges, the judging begins only from July 2nd week once entries close! This is just so that you are aware of your category. If any name has been missed(due to human error) or if you have any issue with the distribution, kindly let us know here or in a message(it's unintentional, we swear). 

We're still short a few judges so spread the word! A huge thank you for your participation so far in these awards. We're #3 in the awards tag which is a HUGE honor for us.

Next up is Meet the Participants and the participation sticker (as promised earlier) for you all! 

Thank you for sticking with us so far. We love you all. 


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- Team Writers' Choice

Writers' Choice Awards 2019Where stories live. Discover now