Chapter 7 -The Arrival

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"Bye, Mom!" I yelled, as her red mini van drove out of sight. It was actually happening, I was here! I looked around, looking for any of my opponents arriving. I spotted a girl with wavy platinum blonde hair standing on the sidewalk that led to the door of the house. I grabbed my backpack and suitcase and walked up to her. "Hi," I said. The girl turned her head. "Hello," she replied. I smiled at her. "Nervous?" I asked her. She nodded.

"It's okay, I am too! I'm going to miss my family so much!"

The girl looked down. "I don't have any family to miss," she said quietly.


"It's ok," she said, smiling slightly. "I never even knew my parents. They left me at the doorstep of a church a couple weeks after I was born."

"I'm Ariana Suane," I said. The girl gasped. "No way!" She exclaimed. "Your last name is Swan? Is it spelled like the animal?" This girl seemed really excited about my last name. ", it's spelled s-u-a-n-e, not like the bird....why are you.....ohhhhhh, you must be the Once fan!" The girl nodded, breaking into a grin. "Yeah, I'm pretty obsessed! My name is Cora, by the way....I know, what luck that would be my name!" I giggled. "It's okay, I'm the Arianator!" I said. "I changed my name so it would be Ariana's."

"Wow!" Said Cora, "that's pretty cool."

Suddenly, I heard a car pull up. Me and Cora turned our heads towards the sound. I found that it wasn't a car, but a limo. Out of the limo stepped a girl with short, wavy, dirty blonde hair. It could only be the Swiftie, she was a miniature Taylor. "Get my bags," she commanded into the limo. A man in a suit and hat got out of the driver's seat, and the trunk popped open. I saw 3 huge cheetah print suitcases. The girl stood and watched as the man unloaded the three suitcases from the trunk, and then one more plus a duffel bag from the backseat. We watched in amazement as, while the man struggled in carrying all the bags, the girl stood, applying a fresh coat of red lipstick. As she put the lipstick back in her purse, she called out to this man. "Come, butler." Her heels clicked against the cobblestone road, coming straight towards us. "Hello," said Cora to the girl. "I'm Cora, and this is..."

"Ariana," I said, "hi."

The girl looked us up and down several times "Okay," she said. "You're both wearing acceptably done makeup, so I'll befriend you. I'm Stevie Stevens." And with that, she turned on her red stiletto heel and clicked down the rest of the cobblestone walkway. The butler staggered on past us moments after. I turned to Cora after the two of them were out of ears reach. "Wow," I said simply. "Wow."

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