Chapter 18

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Oh! that word hurt. It has cut deep. His temper was boiling, his hair practically on fire. How dare he walked in here nonchalant and pretend his just gone for a day.? It's been months. He needed something sharp to attack Dagues. All off them. The baby delivered a mighty kick right on his ribs as if it was agreeing with its mother. Ewan soothed his babe but not his own temper. Eight months and two weeks. It took him eight months and two weeks off Dagues's absents to realise that he had paid.

He paid over and over again for his crime. He was punished, pained fuck with every inch off his life and took Dagues's insults. And he was done along time ago. Dagues will not walk into his life again thinking he was send from heaven to give him, Ewan a second chance at having a husband. There were many cocks out there he never damn tried. Dagues was not the only one. He spat on the floor in disgust.

There he was singing to Duncan while braiding his hair. A very peaceful morning. Then the guards blew the horns telling him Dagues was coming. He asked Muriel to take Duncan to his room. He didn't want his son to get hurt in the event that he'd decide to break something or someone. He was staying in this room until Dagues left again.

Hunger drove him out of the room a while later.

He had to wear a long dress for his pants did not fit anymore and the only kilts left to wear was Dagues's ones and he'd be damned if he touched them. So he fashioned a couple of dresses for himself. He peaked out off the door and saw his watchdog waiting. "To the kitchen Lady Ewan" Argyll smiled at him. "Aye lead the way good man" he smiled back. "Careful and slowly lady Ewan" the guard said. "Aye" Ewan couldn't help but to giggle. He could hear laughter in the kitchen deep voices and his little Duncan. He found the sitting at the table. Duncan bounced happily on his father's knee. Little traitor. "My lady Ewan. Oh my you must be hungry" Edith announced his entry. Dagues's head snapped up and almost dropped Duncan on the floor if Alasdaire didn't caught him. "You're expecting" he stumbled to his feet. The mouths on the table hung open. "Aye my Chief and he almost lost the babe couple off months ago slipping outside" Edith's mouth ran off. "You almost lost it" Dagues repeated. Ewan watched as he gave Chief McKinnon a haunted look. "I swear on my life Dagues I didna know he was carrying. I would have immediately moved him and Duncan to McKinnon castle" Chief McKinnon swore.

"Nay! Your Grace. It was to much off an inconvenience to look on upon my family as I fought to protect yours and your crown" Dagues spat at him. Ewan watched as The King turned a few shades of red and Shannon hung his head. The little play bored him. "Its no ones business if I lost it or not. Dagues you wouldn't have even knew if it was gone." Ewan said."I would've know Ewan. I would've." Dagues stepped forward hand extended and Ewan stopped him. "Nay Dagues you will not touch me"

Dagues went down on his knees. Shocking all including Ewan but his anger ruled him. "I swear Maiden on my life that I'm sorry for leaving" he said. "I am not your Maiden Dagues. You plowed threw my Maidenhead a long time ago remembered. And how do you the child is even yours" Ewan spat. "Aye its mine Ewan. I feel it in my heart. And no man would dare touch you. Aye its mine" Dagues declared from the floor. "Aye because they all know I'm Dagues Killian's whore" he answered bitter. "Nay Ewan never my whore. Maiden you are my wife the mother of my children. The man I love. I'm sorry more sorry than you will ever known at the way I behaved with you when you came here as my wife. I'm disgust at myself. I should have taken and given your forgiveness. I'm sorry. Now I find myself begging you for a chance." Dagues begged. "I wonder if your ass is jealous right now off the shit that coming from your mouth" Ewan said as he grabbed the cooked ham. "I think perhaps your need time. I know is a shock me coming home. Aye time so we can talk." Dagues said as he got up from the floor.

"Careful now Chief Killian don't think to hard your brain might get lost in your big head" Ewan mumbled as he ate. His own were snickering at him. "I know you angry Ewan and rightfully so. Just give me a chance to redeem myself please." Dagues said desperately. "Stop thinking so hard Dagues. You might sprain yourself. Its all good husband." Ewan said smiling. "Aye! It is" Dagues ask confused. "Aye. See here's the rules. You do still remember rules right." Ewan asked him happily as he ate. "Aye " Dagues answered cautiously. "Well then good! Rule one you don't touch me but you be a father to your children if Your Grace your king will allow it........ Rule two you sleep somewhere other than in my bedroom. Rule three you are allowed to be a husband in name only nothing more. Rule four do not call me Maiden." Ewan said.

"Err is there more" asked Dagues. "Not now maybe later" Ewan answered. Dagues explode "There is no fucking way in hell I be obeying those damn rules Maiden. And if the king allows me. My fealty to the king is broken from thus moment on. He wants a hunter he better be training his heirs. I have missed Duncan's birth and almost missed this ones. Tell my children their Da! Is home. And other thing that ass is mine. You better believe I'm going to plow it again" Dagues said. "Temper Temper husband. I obeyed your rules didn't I. Do you see me in Killian colours. Nay. I had to make this big thing with clothes left over to cover my belly. You will be obeying my rules" he told his husband. "Aye and you look beautiful in it. Like a angel to bad I be burning them all." Dagues snapped at him. "And what will I wear husband or are you planning me to walk around naked" he asked him. "Are you mad. You'll be wearing my kilt" Dagues roared.

"I don't think so Dagues. I don't want those vulgar colours on my body. Red and black I think not" Ewan snipped back. Dagues took a deep breath before he spoke again. Ewan could see he was trying to calm himself. "Ewan I know I have wronged you in so many ways. But I love you. The things I have done these past months was not only to protect him and his family but mine as well. But I swear to you I will not be at his service anymore but yours only yours."

"Very noble of you but Dagues the time has longed passed that I would care what you do anymore. Aye I love and always will. And God knows I have tried to unlove you but I failed. But what I will not fail at is being there for my children because they will never be able to rely on you and neither can I." Ewan walked over to Dagues and touched his cheek. "I am sorry that we are no more than two ships passing in the night never to anchor together. My anger was for nothing. You will always belong to Alasdaire McKinnon never to me. He's more important to you." He removed his hand before Dagues could grab it. He made his way out of the kitchen. He looked back at Dagues and said sadly "I love you my beast but I cannot believe in your love. Nor can I trust it. I will always be afraid to make mistakes or wonder when next you going to abandon us. I do not have a husband and Duncan or this child doesn't have a real father. You belong to the crown and yourself. I think my biggest mistake hurting you was my saving grace and salvation for this" Ewan turned back and left.


Dagues watched as Ewan disappeared from his views. The kitchen was filled with silence. All shock at the turn off event's. Dagues sank down in his chair. His knew coming home that his fight was not going to be easy. But to know and hear Ewan speak maid him feel like the failure he truly is.
"He's done McKinnon both Dagues and Hammish are done. They cannot sacrifice for you anymore. They are husband's and fathers now. All of you are and their families needs them as much as we need you." Dagues heard Shannon say. But right now he did not care. "Why couldn't you look after him as you promised Alasdaire. I nearly lost a child I definitely lost my wife by the looks of it" he asked his voice raw.

"Dagues" Alasdaire tried to speak. "Nay what's done is done" Dagues said as he took Duncan out off his arms.
   Finally an update. I'm sorry it took me so long. Thank you for your support and patience. Enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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