Chapter 17

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Months have passed and his belly grew big. The first flowers bloomed saying hello to spring. The ice were defrosting on the ground. It was beautiful to witness. He was doubling in size, grateful that the four months off winter was gone for it also took his own winter away. Now he felt lighter his heart blooming with the flowers. His baby giving its first few butterfly flutters. He made a young stupid mistake and it took him to break apart before he could forgive himself and mend.

Ewan bit his bottom lip. He still have heard nothing off or from Dagues. He was worried. He send a missive to the King three day ago. Hopefully he'd reply soon setting his worry to a rest. "Is it not stunning this spring?" he asked and Muriel chuckled. They were taking a stroll with Duncan who was almost twelve months old. He missed him. His smell his taste. Just then one of his men approached them with a letter in hand. McKinnon don't waist time. Ewan took the letter and read. His heart dropped as his eyes ran over the words. Dagues was not coming home anytime soon. He can't say when he'd return. If he needs anything he just have to ask him and it will be done. The McKinnon's will be at his service. He waved his hand at the guard. For some reason Ewan's worry were simmering towards anger. He blew out a deep breath and resumed they walk. He had no place being angry.

The days turned into weeks and the weeks to months still no Dagues. Ewan was amazed at how well he took Dagues absence and abandonment of them. Four months later after he send the first letter he send another message to Alasdaire this time he requested that Dagues should not return without warning so that he and Duncan can vacate the castle and find another home. His answer came within days. The King asking him to be patient. Dagues was on important matters off the state and he himself with the queen will be there soon. Ewan erupted and his eight month pregnant belly and backaches did not help calm his mood. He called for a guard and replied. His anger aimed at the King. He told the King to keep his ass where it is and tend to his beloved queen and offsprings. Dagues may go fuck himself. That he and Dagues was not married anymore in the eyes off the church. That they'd lived apart as husband and wife for eighth months.

Word for word and send it off to McKinnon. His mood calming only when Cutler brought him some tea. It was strange the person he disliked more than anyone in this place became his closest friend. It was the old man who sat by his bed nursing him back to health when he almost lost the child due to a fall. They talked for hours about anything everything and nothing. They both worried about Dagues missing him. He was Duncan's grandda from he s father's side. He still very much disliked the old man granddaughter though.
"Thank you Cutty, I needed that" Ewan said with a smile. "Aye you welcome lad" Cutler answered him easily. "Cutty you told me about your life , how you ended up here. Tell me about your son and daughter." he asked. The old man made himself comfortable. "Oh my son he was a fair man. Indeed he was. Except when he wanted his way. Than not so much. Erin is more like him and Jamie his mother. But some how they made it work. How I miss them" he said."Why did you never married again" Ewan asked softly. "Boy I have one leg and two grand babes. Who was going to take me broken like this" the old man returned. Ewan chuckled. "Oh come now you a grand old man and handsome to boot" Ewan winked at him. "Why don't you take that verra big belly off yours and get to bed" He grumbled at Ewan. "Aye I think I just do that." he struggled himself out of the seat and waddled to his bedroom. A ever so close watchdog following behind him.


It took him longer than expected to find his prey. He did kill everyone off their pawns and left the King and his Bishop with a warning. Their heads were fair game to him if they cross Alasdaire McKinnon again. They never saw him coming. He worked with the night a lethal predator hunting. It took him a lot longer to break the middle order. They thought highly of themselves. He was dog tired as he and his men entered McKinnon keep. He wanted food a bath and rest. These past eight months have been hell. All he wants now is get well rested and set off for home. He abandoned Ewan and Duncan for almost a year. It was time now he goes begging for forgiveness. He wondered if Duncan will even know him as his da. Will Ewan be willing to reconcile with him. He had a lot to think about these past months and he knew now that he was unreasonable with Ewan. And stubborn as hell to let go.

"Dagues welcome back" Shannon greeted him with a kiss. He noticed the travelling bags. "Going somewhere in a hurry" he asked. "Aye to Killian castle. Your marriage is falling apart. That warrior off yours is pissed at you. Me as well and rightly so." Alasdaire said behind Shannon. Dagues turned tale on his heels and ran. He didn't give a shit they can get there after him. Footsteps behind told him his men were following hot on his ass but when he turned it was Alasdaire behind him. "Not this time brother this time we ride together at breakneck speed. I have a dept to pay to both you and Ewan." They rode hard stopping only to catch their breaths while Shannon , the kids and the warriors followed them slower. At this rate they'd be there a day before Shannon but the spring rain had other ideas. The horses got stuck in mud. One lost a shoe and soon all them were travelling together. Dagues's huge black stallion was as restless as he was. The horse was a body off great strength but than so was his rider. Gradually a smile made it to Dagues's lips as they entered his gates. He was home. He sat motionless for a moment on his horse before he dismounted. Cutler was there to greet him. "The horse needs grooming and water" the old man spoke first. "Aye" Dagues smiled handing over the reigns. "Where is he?" he asked nervously.

"In your bedroom" he answered as he tackled the saddle. Several deep breaths and Dagues dared to enter his own home. The King and Queen hot on his ass. He reached their room in no time breathless. He pushed open the door but not so much to his surprise it refused to open. Ewan probably locked it when he saw the flags flying. "Ewan wife I'm home." He knocked on the door "Are you not going to greet your husband" he tried. Nothing no answer came. What did he expect. They had been apart for almost a year. He felt a little light headed. But he stood his ground and knocked again. "Ewan I know you are very angry at me with reason. But please open the door. Give me a chance to explain." Still no answer. He felt desperation clawing at his heart. Dagues took a deep breath and used something he hasn't used in over two years. "Maiden please open the door" He closed his eyes and leaned his head on the heavy oak door. It was what he called Ewan on the battlefield and when he lost himself in him afterwards. A small word that he never thought he used again but one that had so much power in his heart. His head snapped up as he heard the crash. It come from the bedroom. And then.......

"Dagues Duncan Killian you take that name and shove it deep up your damn ass and then let Alasdaire suck it out off your cock!" Ewan shouted furiously. Dagues turned to Shannon behind him with a pained expression and said "Aye he's a little mad ,understandably so. He didna mean any disrespect ."

"I meant every damn word I said. Fuck off! You , your king and his pussy of a queen" he shouted again. "A little mad you think brother. I'd wager we are now enemies of the state named Ewan" Alasdaire said softy but a lot louder at the door. "I take no offense young warrior. None at all. Me and my pussy queen be just go off and look for some food. You take your time and gather your thoughts. You don't want see Dagues right now anyway he smells."
"This is how you help me" Dagues gritted through his teeth. "Trust me brother I have been here. Best let them calm down first" Alasdaire said with a smile."Yes Dagues listen to my fool he's old an not so wise" Shannon shot back."But know this king of mine we will not be leaving here until this family is back toghter. My uncle once again sacrificed himself for us I'd be damned if I was leaving here not mending our wrongs. Am I clear."

"Crystal as a fine vase my love." Chief McKinnon answered obediently.

Guys sorry for the late update. Look pass the spelling errors pls. Thank you hope you enjoy.

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