Chapter 12

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Dagues is starting to worry him. Every where he worked or turned this past week there was Dagues lurking. It made him uneasy. Right now he's busy working with none other than Jamie who helping hang clean drapes on the windows. The drapes he choose to make was a deep wine red and  velvet. Warm for the long winter and dark enough not to stain easily. Jamie was hoisting him up. Keeping a firm hold on his feet while he stood on Jamie's shoulders. Jamie was a very charming young warrior. He certainly did not share his annoying sisters trades but he protected her. He was also very talkative. He told him about the sweet young dairy farmer he was having an eye on. But he was still working on getting enough coin to asked the boys father for him. He was almost there and by next spring the boy was going to be his. He talked about his future plans to farm and have a family now that Scotland were at peace. He spoke about the land on the castle grounds Dagues gave him as payment for his service.

"If I was you I'd immediately remove my wife from your fucking paws" Dagues's voice thundered. He felt himself wobbled on Jamie's shoulders then slip. Jamie caught him just in time. "You son off a bitch. Let go off Ewan." Dagues charged at Jamie. Ewan felt himself dropped on the floor. Jamie hauled ass out off the room as if there were ten devils after him. "Ouch bloody hell Dagues. What the fuck is wrong with you" he asked as he struggled himself up feeling his bum bruised. "What were you doing in Jamie's arms"  Dagues gritted out instead. "If you opened your eyes you would see he was helping me hang the drapes. Instead off lurking behind corridor's and dark corners." Ewan huffed. "Nay! I was not lurking but looking" Dagues glared at him. "Looking at what Dagues? " Ewan screamed. "Looking at the wellness of my damn castle. And answer me. Why were you in Jamie's arms?" Dagues crossed him arm over his chest awaiting an answer. "I fell and he caught me in his muscular arms. Before you made the beautiful man drop me " Ewan replied sweetly.

"Son of a mother fucking whore Jamie!" Dagues bellowed and stormed out off the room. Ewan exhaustedly  followed him at a much slower pace. He was really damn tired with Dagues's antics. He found Dagues in a full on fight with Jamie. Jamie tried to best of the abilities his chief thought him to block the mighty blows. Dagues showed no mercy and dropped blow after blow with his axe on Jamie. Ewan could see the young warrior already been cut on his arm. Ewan withdrew the knife he had in his boots. There was one way to stop Dagues or anger him more. Erin was screaming her ass off and his ears had enough of her already. Ewan aimed and lodged the knife firmly in Dagues's thigh. Giving Jamie an opening away from him. Dagues let out a string of curses that would made his ancestors proud. "You stabbed me! " he blasted at Ewan. "Nay husband. It was the wind that carried the knife" Ewan answered as he withdrew the knife out off Dagues's flesh. " "There is no bloody wind Ewan" Dagues shouted back. "It be gone now but it was here husband" Ewan explained sweetly while helping Dagues past a snickering crowd. Ewan requested hot water salt and some herbs on their way to the bedroom.

"Bloody hell Ewan you stabbed me. Why?" He asked as Ewan helped him into a chair. "You were acting like a fool. Why did you attack Jamie like that?" Ewan ranted on him while cleaning the knife wound. "Why you asked. Why? What is the meaning off you being so close to him. I thought you couldn't stand him and Erin." He asked suspiciously. Ewan looked up from where he knelt. "He was the only one available to help me hang those drapes" he answered calmly. "I don't look like that to me. It looked like a lovers embrace." Dagues spat the words at him. "Dagues are you insane. A lovers embrace with me standing fully cloth on his shoulders" Ewan asked.
"Are you having an affair with him mmm Ewan" Dagues pried.
"Good lord you are a lunatic" Ewan answered as he tightened the strip off cloths on Dagues's thigh. Dagues slapped his hands away from him. "Don't you touch me Ewan. Nor are you touching Duncan. We don't know where your hands been" he grumbled at him and hobbled to the bed.

Ewan stood hands on his hips. Looking at the lunatic he loves with all his heart. Its a given. Dagues had gone and lost his mind. "Dagues what are you up in arms about" he asked softy.  "You!" Dagues roared. "Me" Ewan asked.
"Aye you. You tell me to go fuck a chicken. Thrn you strut about shaking your beautiful ass for all to drool. Leaving me to beat my meat senseless. I'm horny damn you! And I can't touch you" Dagues roared on. Ewan bit his bottom lip. He didn't know how to answer the man. "You see there you go again teasing the hell out off me. Yet you will give me nothing" Dagues said softer this time. Ewan closed his eyes for a brief second. "Is that all I am for you Dagues. Something to relieve yourself on" he asked pitiful.

Dagues went silent. He laid back on the  pillows and looked at Ewan. "What more can you be Ewan" he asked harshly. "Nothing Dagues.  Nothing more than your whore. Forgive me thinking that I'm anything more" Ewan answered with a bitter laugh. Dagues felt his heart rip. But was helpless at soothing Ewan's pain. They inflicted wounds on each other almost everyday. He watched as Ewan began to discard his clothes slowly until he was naked as the day he was born. Dagues cock stood up full mass at the sight off him. He stood up from the bed and rid himself off his own clothes. Kilt and shirt dropping where he stood. "Come here Ewan" he commanded. Ewan walked to him. He grabbed him by the back off his neck and drew him in. His tongue plundering Ewan's sweet mouth. He other hand moving down Ewan's back to his ass. He gripped the twin globed in his hand. He grinded himself against Ewan. Feeling Ewan's cock coming to life. He was not certain anymore of  Ewan's love or loyalty towards him but one thing he knew was that they'd always have this burning passion between them.  No matter how bad a battle was or how raw full of pain they were. This was the one thing they had and he would savour it forever.

He hoisted Ewan up in his arms and dropped him on the bed. He spread his creamy white thigh apart. Giving himself a mouth watering view of Ewan's tight pink puckered hole. "Its been to long since I had you Ewan. I will not be gentle or slow" he said as he mounted Ewan.

"Don't worry about being gentle Dagues. Break  me to your will." Ewan whispered. Dagues closed his eyes. Ewan words cut at him deeply. He did not want to break Ewan. But lord knows once bitten twice shy. And he has been bitten by Ewan. He was sure as hell not going fall in his trap again so easily.

But at this moment though he wanted nothing more other than losing himself in Ewan. Crouching over his body he supported his weight on his arms. Placing them next to Ewan's head on both sides. His body was ready but his heart and mind kept throwing problems at him. He used his well trained discipline and locked them out. "Hold on Ewan. I'm going to fuck you raw. You need another child in your belly" he whispered into his ear.


Short. But I'm getting my groove back. See you next time. You guys know by now. The will be errors. I'm sorry but I don't have an editor and sometimes errors escapes me.

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