Chapter 16

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Life have a way off making the decisions for you.

Its was dawn the next morning when Ewan woke up and found himself alone in bed. Dagues started his day very early. Ewan went on with his morning rituals off cleaning himself before he went for breakfast. He bumped into the old man Cutler in the kitchen. "Good morning Cutler is Dagues at the training grounds" he asked. The silence in the kitchen was deafening. The man cleared his throat before he spoke."The Chief left my lady"

"Dagues left? Where to? I thought all winter provisions have been stocked and taken care off" he asked while buttering his bread. Not really listening to the old boy. "Nay my lady.... He left for McKinnon castle. The King summoned him in the dead off the night." The old man turned and left the kitchen. Ewan stood there knife in hand perplexed. Ewan knew, he knew deep in his gut that Dagues was not returning anytime soon. He left like a thief in the night right before the heavy snow would set in. Returning would be impossible unless you wish to die. Dagues did not even said goodbye to him. Did he see Duncan before he left."Who did he take with him?" he asked no one particular. "He took some off his warriors. Jamie and Erin my lady" a girl answered. Ewan nodded and left them to gossip to their hearts content. He got what he prayed for but than why was his heart shattered. He found Cutler in the hallway.

"Did your granddaughter go with him to keep his bedsheets warm. If the king summoned him why did she go with him." His words filled with bitterness. "NAY! Its not like that. I know Erin fancied herself in love with Dagues but she's over it now" he denied. "AYE! AND I'M THE WORLDS BIGGEST FOOL!"  Ewan shouted and ran for his bedroom. He trashed the entire room. Not caring who heard. He was livid but pained at the same time. He need a battle. Entering his bedroom he snapped. Ewan roared his heart out until there was no fight left in him. He went to battle with every emotion including anger inside him for hours.

 Cutler stood outside the bedroom waiting for the young boy known as the Lady off the keep to ride out his inner storm. The door opened after hours of crashing and smashing. The young boy that went in that room came out a man. Devoid was his face off any emotion. One look at him and wondered was this the same young wife of Dagues Killian. "What do you want at my door old man" he asked him coldly. Cutler felt a little despondent himself. Dagues gave him a duty and he was not so sure now that the lady Ewan Killian would allow him to execute it. "If you allow me to clean the room. My Chieftains lady. My lord have tasked me to look after all your needs while he is gone."

"AYE now he did. What a good husband. Will you be fucking me as well" Ewan asked him. "My lady Ewan.......Dagues ordered me to protect you and Duncan. To make sure that you are looked after. But both you and I know if any man dares to touch you it be his last act as a man or alive" he was beginning to feel the dispair of not being able to do his duty. "Lets get some things straight. You are not my keeper , father , mother or anything. You will keep out of my way and I will keep out of yours. Someone else will be appointed to give duties out from this day on in this castle. You are now retired. Time to go to pasture. Your only duty will be is to keep the study key Dagues gave you safe from me. Eat fart and sleep. You can be reinstated when Dagues gets back. Are we understood." He nodded. Aye he understood his exile with Ewan Killian has begun. He bowed and walked away.

Immediately every servant and warrior left were gathered in the great hall. All gasped at the announcement  that the lady Killian made. Master Cutler is to be replaced by Edith the head cook the new Master steward off the servants. Muriel and Mary the head chambermaids. All orders will go through her. He dismissed them all. Ewan was done playing nice with all of them including Dagues. The later was gone now, now he had to learn how to unlove Dagues before spring set on them. And by God he will learn just as he learned to be a shield maiden. God had replied to his prayer and by God he will listen. With dedication and discipline. Cutler stood on top off the tower. Holding the last pigeon he will be able to send this winter. He hoped to God that the missive will reach Dagues.

Four weeks after Dagues left Ewan found himself pregnant. He pulled down his nightdress as the midwife finished with him. This babe as well as Duncan will be loved. Will they have a father, he was not so sure. Nothing was heard from Dagues or the King. He knew that Dagues left no information for him here so it was useless to ask. He hummed to himself. He had a strategy these days. From the week Dagues had left he started at the very beginning of his training. What it meant to be a warrior. A shield maiden.  Step by step he worked through his program and each day brought him comfort. Gave him acceptance and relieve. With each passing day his soul was nearing completion and once his soul is one with his body than only than can the true battle begin. If Gods hand work in every expect off their lives. Maybe there was a path he and Dagues had to walk before their souls could be one. Or that their souls were never meant to be with one another. Only time will tell.


He rode hard to McKinnon castle. Erin held on for dear life as she clung to Jamie. They made it within days. He bid farewell to his son but was to much a coward to wake up Ewan. He knew if Ewan asked he would have ignored Alasdaire's request. He received Cutler's missive but his hands were tied. He gave it to Daire along with his personal affects. Now here he is behind locked doors in close counsel with Daire. Shannon sat with the babes near the fire keeping warm. Alasdaire refused to let then out off his sight. An assassination attempt was made on them. Now he had to do what he did best. Hunt those who was send and by who. Destroy and kill. The traitors in castle already pointed him to France. "Did you hear from Hammish" he asked Daire. "Aye he's taking a little detour to Paris. You will find him waiting. Dagues my brother I know I'm asking a lot from both of you. Both of you are fathers now and I'm sorry. But there is none I trust more than you and Hammish." Daire said as they bid each other farewell.

Dagues and his men rode harder to France. He had a duty to his king and country and a threat to the them is a threat to his own family. He had to stop these assassination attempts. Someone does not want  Alasdaire to have so much power over England and Scotland. For now until his heirs are off age Alasdaire and Shannon are the rulers of both countries. He just have to work fast with no mistakes and wait out the winter at McKinnon castle. And pray his balls off he'd still have a wife by the time he gets back to Killian Keep and somehow be able to work at they marriage properly. Aye he dinna want to have to admit it but he was very much worried on his volatile wife's temper. That boy could blaze a winter into a roaring fire with that red hair and fiery temper.         

But he was his boy. Ewan Killian was his and its time he put his petty shit behind him and learn how to forgive and trust Ewan again. The alternative was to lose him again and he'd won't be able to survive this time if Ewan left. With forgiveness come forgiveness and they were guilty of hurting each other on both sides.

                                         Yes a day late but the update is here. Thank you all for your comments and votes hope you enjoy.

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