Chapter 11

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Ewan woke up with Dagues starring at him from where he was sitting forearms on his knees on the cold hard stone floor. "I'm not going to go on about pain and the past Ewan. Nor do I want to restart last nights conversation but know this Ewan. There will be no fucking with other men or women for either of us. And if you think for one moment that I'm going to standby and let you be fuck by another than you are greatly mistaken. I will kill. I will not share you." Ewan watched dumbstruck as Dagues got off the floor graceful and lethal as the predator he is. He gazed after the broad back exiting the room.

A shiver ran down his spine. Remembering Dagues's cold words. A loud knock sounded at the door before the maid entered with food. "Good morning my lady Killian. My lord have ordered breakfast for you and a bath after which you are to take up the castles duties as lady off the manor." Ewan was now more confused than when he woke up. "What duties" he asked the girl. "The chief has ordered that from this day on you are to run this entire castle as it is your duty as wife. Every servant and occupant has been warned and told that your word is law next to his." the girl replied. "This is some weird shit from Dagues or a trap" Ewan thought as he got up from the bed. The confusion on his face was clearly visiable for the maid. The maid shook her head. It was clear for her that they all will have to have hair on their teeth for their chief and his impossible wife.

Ewan washed his hands and face to eat his food. A myraid off thoughts running is his head at that moment but none was off a nature he could speak off. The maid waited patiently for him to finish his food and assist him with his bath. Well fed and freshly cleaned Ewan walked with the maid on his way to take up his newly appointed task. Dagues wanted a wife to take up duty than he'd clean up this entire castle from top to bottom. Ewan was so consumed by his task at hand he did not even cared that Dagues was watching him from the dark corridors off the castle. It took him and six maids to clean the first two floors and the kitchen.

The Lord off the keep have also demanded daily cooked meals from him. He'd be damned if Dagues thought he'd set him up to fail. Preparing supper for Dagues and his men were no small task but not an impossible one. The beef stew simmered in the huge pot under the pit fire. Its heavenly smell with freshly baked bread filled the warm kitchen.

Dagues stood in the door way arms crossed muscles bulging out and watched Ewan. It smelled like old times. Like home used to smell. He starred at his red head feeling his cock twitch wanting to come life at the sight off Ewan. God he love the little red head shit. But despite of that love he had to be sure that Ewan indeed regrets what he has done. And he himself had to find it in his heart and head to forgive Ewan. He never thought he had a heart left for anyone to break untill Ewan captured it and then ripped it out of his chest. He needed to trust Ewan again. Not with his home or wealth but with his heart. But he swears to whatever Gods there may be if Ewan ever betrays him again. He will take Duncan and leave. Never to return to his beloved Scotland but to keep his son from a manipulative deceitful mother. Ewan will die never seeing Duncan again. That is the silent promise he made to himself and his son.

Dagues cleared his throat. Startling Ewan out off his humming while he cooked. ''Is the food ready? I'm hungry'' He ask Ewan and made his way to the wide thick wooden kitchen table. Making himself home at the head off the table. His eyes never stopping. Following Ewan as he served him first than onto the task off serving his men. It was almost a sin to lift his head from the glorious bowl off food and warm bread to see Erin and her brother enter. She openly sneered at Ewan. "I wonder can he actually cook or can he just cook between his legs." She snidely remarked making the men snort in laughter. "Watch yourself" he bellowed. Making the entire kitchen tense and silent. He gave Cutler her grandda a warning glare. He pulled the chair out next to him. "Ewan you done serving everyone. Take a seat and eat your meal" he ordered. "What about us. He's yet to serve us" Erin pushed. "You got hands don't you and last time I checked you not royalty. Serve your damn self."  He growled at her. Ewan took his seat and silently ate his meal. Once again Dagues lost himself in the wonderful meal Ewan prepared. Surrounded by an impregnable silence.

Its been a while since he consumed such a hearty meal. He found he did not even notice when Ewan left the table to attend to Duncan's needs for the night. Startled he realised that the meal were done. Kitchen being cleaned and most left already. He nodded to the maids and retired for the night. He found Ewan already washed and brushing his long red hair in the dresser's mirror. A sight more beautiful he have yet to see. He stood in the middle off the room mesmerized by Ewan. The night dress have slipped off his left shoulder revealing his creamy white skin. Dagues felt the stirring in his belly and he knew he was not hungry for food but for what Ewan's body had to offer. He had to acknowledge to himself that he was addicted to Ewan. Ewan was the only man who could take him without complain. It was like his body and ass was created just for him. Ewan ignited the fires deep within him with a blink off an eye and dose it with a blow off a kiss.

Ewan was his. Given there was still a steep and long road ahead off them but Ewan was and is his. Dagues took a few steps forward. His large hand covered Ewan's bare shoulder. His other sneaked into his long luscious red hair. He felt Ewan stiffen under his touch. He bend his head to Ewan's ear. Blowing on it before he spoke. "Have you not heard my love. You are to uptake all the task off the lady off the castle." He paused and lick the shell off Ewan's ear. Feeling him shiver. "That included laying with the chief off the castle" he whispered again. His ears wrung way before he saw Ewan deliver the blow. Son off a mothers whore. How the little shit swung around and boxed him so fast was beyond him. Dagues rubbed his jaw. "If you want to get laid Dagues Killian I suggest you crawl up a chickens ass" Ewan spat at him and made his way to bed.

Dagues smiled watching Ewan huffed and mumbled to himself. "Fuck he loves this little shit to his own personal  hell and back" he thought. Cupping his cock he squeezed hard willing it to go down. Ewan wasn't going to give him anything tonight.

Thank you boys and girls for reading.

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